Chapter 32

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AUGUST 6TH, 1965


Yesterday was the first day Lisa-Marie, Elvis, and I were seen in public as a family. We took Lisa-Marie to the zoo, and unfortunately we only stayed for an hour because of the immense crowd following Elvis. He had been pissed off about the whole ordeal, especially because he didn't want Lisa-Marie in such big crowds due to the fact that we nearly lost her.

"God-damnit, where's Lisa?!" Elvis basically screamed, fighting off the fans that were pulling and tugging at him.

"I was just holding her hand, Elvis! I can't-
I can't see her!" I was trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes, but I couldn't even handle the mess.

I was so worried about Lisa-Marie that I stopped fighting the crowd back. I lost it, and began sobbing. It was all so overwhelming. In the midst of me having a breakdown, some man trying to retrieve his wife in the crowd had been pushing his way through. When he got to me, he pushed me hard, and I fell. I was nearly trampled before Elvis noticed that I was no longer in his vision.

"Y/n! Y/n?!" I heard him call out.

Hoping he'd see me, I was struggling to get up as I held up my hand, shouting, "Elvis! Get me!"

He immediately turned his head in the direction of my voice and the second he saw my figure nearly trampled, he lost it.

"Move! Get the fuck away from her!" He shouted, now forcefully pushing the fans out the way.

As soon as I could, I grabbed every inch of his body to help myself up. Elvis hugged me tight for only a moment before we heard someone calling his name.

"E.P! Y/n, over here! I've got Lisa!"

Looking over our shoulders, we saw Jerry towards the exit gates of the zoo. And thankfully, little Lisa-Marie was in his arms too.

Elvis pulled through the crowd, holding my waist, and we made past the crowd and into the car. Elvis immediately took Lisa-Marie from Jerry's arms and held her the entire car ride.

I had stopped crying eventually and calmed down, thanks to the fact that I knew we all made it out safely. Elvis remained silent the entire ride as Lisa was asleep on his lap. He didn't make eye contact with me and he stared out the window as he stroked our daughter's hair.

Getting out of the car, Jerry was trying to strike up a conversation with Elvis. He ignored him completely, passed Lisa-Marie off to me, and made his way towards the house.

I tried catching up to him but the second I entered Graceland, he slammed his bedroom door shut. Sighing, I walked upstairs to my old bedroom, which was currently in the process of being converted into Lisa-Marie's room, and set her down on her new bed.

I stepped outside the room to lean over the balcony, only to see Jerry walking in with the car keys.

"Thank you, Jerry," I called out. He looked up, nodded in return, and went about his night.

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now