Chapter 27

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MAY 9TH, 1965

Between going back and forth with the Colonel on the phone and avoiding my boss at work, both going on for several years, I made sure to keep myself out of the media's way, I was too uninteresting. I was a teacher at my daughter's elementary school, and I was no longer associated with Elvis; what more could they write about me?

It's been years since I've made the news or the paper; everyone assumed Elvis had enough of his personal assistant and just fired her, and it was the truth.

Elvis was officially engaged to Priscilla and I simply just shook my head when I heard the news. The media painted Elvis out to be a real dream, a catch, and the perfect husband. Those people wrote palaces out of paragraphs describing his amazing life and wife.

No-one wrote about his daughter.

I did everything I could to keep Lisa-Marie out of the public eye, not only for myself, but for Colonel as well. He claimed that Elvis' reputation would go down the drain and it would be a hard world for all three of us (Elvis, my daughter, and me.)

I never told anyone she was his daughter, I simply said that I fulfill both parts and I do it well.

As I was getting ready to go fix myself some coffee, I heard the phone ringing from the living room. I quickly walked through my two bedroom apartment and got a small glance of Lisa sound asleep in her small bed.

I picked up the phone and answered, "Y/n Hudson."

"Miss Hudson," a familiar deep voice spoke. It was my boss. "What time will you be coming in today?"

"Well, I just woke up and haven't even made my coffee yet. I still have to get Lisa-Marie ready, so I probably won't be there for another hour or two."

I heard my boss, Mr. Graham, sigh through the other line. "I need you to be here in 30 minutes. We need to talk."

"There's absolutely no way I can get dressed, do my hair, get Lisa ready, do her hair, and drive to the school. Did I mention I haven't even made my coffee yet?"

"God, forget about the coffee, Hudson-"

I cut him off, "plus, by the time I get there, we won't have another hour until the day starts. What's Lisa gonna do in the mean time, I'm sure you don't want her to sit in our meeting."

He was silent for a good minute before finally speaking.

"Listen, drop Lisa off at my place. I'll have my nanny take Talia and my own kids to the school when it's time."

My brows furrowed as I leaned against the wall whilst listening to his 'plan'.

"I'm sorry Mr. Graham, but I don't know you or your nanny that well, I'm not comfortable with just leaving Lisa over there for a few hours by herself."

"She won't be by herself, she'll be with Marie and Madden."

Marie was his six year old daughter. I haven't seen her too much around the school, but the teacher who has her says she's a spoiled brat. Madden was seven and was just as bad.

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