Chapter 29

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JULY 18TH, 1965

A month passed and Lisa was out of school for summer break. Rob and I weren't official, nowhere near. I went to dinner with him after our semi-heated argument, and I didn't know how to feel about him, but we both agreed to take things very slowly.

Rob and I were currently on the way back from taking all the kids to the zoo. He was driving as the kids were sound asleep in the backseat. The music was playing softly from the radio as he drove through the familiar city.

"It's only 6. You guys should stay for dinner," I said, breaking the silence.

Rob looked at me with furrowed brows before focusing his gaze back onto the road.

While Marie, Madden, and Lisa-Marie played in the living room while Rob and I prepared dinner, Rob was explaining to me why he preferred medium rare steak rather than well-done. I wasn't one to prefer food with any red hue, I liked everything well done. It was more comfortable to eat for me.

"You're a picky eater, huh?" Rob assumed while adding the last bit of parsley flakes and garlic to the mashed potatoes.

I shook my head. "No, I like all types of food. Just very particular about the meat I eat," I responded slyly.

Rob laughed and was about to say something else before the phone began to ring. I excused myself and hastily walked out of the kitchen to get the phone. The house phone was in the hallway of the living room, so thankfully, I could observe the home while taking my calls.

I answered the ringing with a small, "Hello?"

"Y/n?" a tired voice spoke. It was a male's voice, and it was oddly familiar.

"Yes, this is she... Who is this, might I ask?"

"Vernon, dear."

Elvis' father. Of course, that's why his voice seemed so familiar. I wasn't expecting him to call at all, normally, I receive all calls involving Elvis from the Colonel. I was confused as to why Vernon was calling.

"Oh, Mr. Vernon, I'm so sorry, how are you?"

"Not doing very well, at the moment. The colonel and I are just trying to keep some sanity throughout the house."

I furrowed my brows while responding, "What's going on?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry, but Gladys passed this evening."

Hearing those words fall from Vernon's muffled voice, I audibly gasped. Immediately, tears began to fall from my eyes. I turned my back to the living room so the children and Rob wouldn't see me crying.

Not only was I crying because, even after all the mess, I grew closer to Gladys, but a part of me cried for Elvis. I knew how close Elvis was with his mother, and that everything he ever did in his career was for her. That was her boy. I knew he must've been torn to pieces. His mental state has always been slightly rocky, so this wasn't helping at all.

"Y/n? Are you there?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry, I-" I sniffled and wiped the tears that rolled down my glossy and damp cheeks. "Please, I know things are not well with Elvis and me, but I have to attend whatever service there will be for Gladys. If I can't be there for Elvis, then I'll be there for you all."

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now