Chapter 28

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MAY 16TH, 1965

It was a week later when I hear a commotion coming from the hallway outside my classroom. It was the end of the day and the last of my students finally went to get picked up. My eyes grew heavy while I sipped the last of my coffee, it felt like a longer day than usual.

I buttoned up my coat and threw my purse over my shoulder. Usually, Lisa-Marie knows to come to my classroom at the end of the day so we could go home together, but even after waiting 10 minutes after our set meeting time, there was no sign of her.

Growing slightly nervous, I walked to Lisa's classroom to go see what the hold-up was. She ran out of the classroom when she saw me through the window on the door. She wrapped her arms around my lower torso and I bent down to kiss her head.

"Hi angel, why didn't you come meet mommy?"

Lisa pulled away from our hug and she placed her hands on the straps of her book bag.

"Principal Graham pulled me into the hallway and told me to wait for you to come get me today!" She smiled.

Confused, I stood up and took her hand so we could begin to walk out.

"Why'd he tell you that?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I dunno," Lisa admitted.

With a silent nod to myself, I realized we reached the car a lot quicker than usual. I picked Lisa up and placed her in the car seat.

When I closed the back door, I heard shouting from behind me. I turned my head and was even more confused than earlier.

It was one of the bitchy teachers, Denise. She was a fourth grade teacher and I've never talked to her. I often caught her giving me icy glares when I haven't done anything to her.

"You! You're the reason I got fired, bitch!" She yelled, stepping towards her own vehicle.

"Me? What'd I do?"

"You snitched to Rob about me shit talking? At your age?"

"And at your big age, you are still shit talking?" I chuckled to myself, leaning on the car. "Listen, I didn't snitch about anything, but thanks for letting me know about your gossip habits."

She rolled her eyes and threw her things in the trunk. She looked me up and down before rolling her eyes once more.

"You just watch your back. You're Elvis' baby-mama that no- one pities or gives a shit about. I can see why you two never worked out. Hope he's enjoying Priscilla," she finished with a smirk before getting in her car and speeding off.

"So mature," I mumbled under my breath, stepping into my vehicle.

Normally, when someone brings up Elvis, I just ignore the comment. But today, it really did hit me. I lost who I thought was the love of my life, my best friend, the person who changed my entire life around. He was gone in the blink of an eye.

Elvis had Priscilla and his supporters at Graceland; all I had left was his child and my thoughts.

While driving, I kept looking at back seat through the mirror. Lisa was staring out the window as her eyes rested low, tiredly. I began to think of the things the shit-starter-teacher said earlier before realizing I had several unanswered questions.

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now