cнapтer 18 - 'do yoυ reмeмвer anyтнιng aвoυт laѕт nιgнт?'

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *creepy smirk with wide eyes*

I'm weird. I've accepted it. 

Anywho! Here's chapter 18 ready for your reading pleasure! Mwhahaha. 

If you like itttttt... let me know by voting and commenting pretty pretty please. I know it's so old school to actually leave physical evidence of your hopeful enjoyment.. but I completely fail at this new school technology of being psychic.... so yeah. ^-^

This chapter is dedicated to @5secondsinmypants!! Seriously, she is absolutely amazing and she has been commenting like a freaking madwoman (HUGE THANK YOU GIRLY!!!) and sighhhhh I just love her. Her story "Homecoming" is very unique and different so pretty please with sugar on top go check it out! 

PICTURE (well... GIF) on the side is of the yummalicious Harry Styles. And yessss, I know technically the Harry in the picture/GIF is older than the Harry in the story (stupid time-line) but c'mon... I found it after I wrote the scene and it just fits so perfectly I had to put it in. "Does that mean a sweaty, shirtless Harry will be featuring in this chapter?" Why yes it does! Thanks so much for being so inquisitive you lovely audience. :D

VIDEO is the song "Always In My Head" by Coldplay. Yayyyy such a good song! But it does not apply to what you think it might.. mwhahaha twist!! I won't say exactly what... but this song goes with the end of the chapter.... *dramatic music*

Okie Dokie! My laundry list is done!! Thank you everyone out there for reading and supporting me as I am now almost at 12.5 K reads. I honestly love you all and would be nothing without you wonderful homies. :) <3 <3 Enjoy! <3 <3




My mind slowly awakens, almost as if pulling itself out of quicksand. I suppress a groan, the struggle becoming painful.

Oh my lord, my head.

My silent thoughts cause a bright pain to flash behind my closed lids and I grit my teeth. Not being able to handle the agony, I try to drift back off into unconsciousness; it doesn't work. Instead, the real world begins to settle with a hefty weight around me.

I feel a thick coil of warmth around my waist and a hard, yet surprisingly pleasant, platform beneath me.

Where the hell am I? Am I on the goddamn the floor?

I ignore the agonizing ache my thoughts create and gradually peel my eyes open. At first, all I can see is white and I immediately squeeze my eyes shut.

Too bright. Too bright.

But when the stable ground I thought I was laying on shifts, my eyes urgently open yet again. A few seconds pass until finally my surroundings become visible.

I'm still in Harry's living room and the back door is letting in way too much light. However, all of that becomes irrelevant as I glance down and see that what I thought was a floor is in actuality a human chest.

...What in the world?

I move to get off of the soft yet firm body, but the warmth around my waist stops me. I glance to the side and see an extremely muscular arm holding me in place.

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