cнapтer 21 parт 5 - 'eмpтy."

285 10 137


K Soooo a couple days late on this BUT it's better than a couple months, right? 


So here, mi amigos, is part 5! PART 5 OUT OF... 7! Yes there are two more parts left to this chapter. Sigh, I know you're all thinking that's a damn lot but... get over it XP! So Imma keep this real simple and quick because I know I left y'all hanging on the the last chapter, hehehe. SO ENJOY! And let me know what y'all think throughout it! I've worked suuuuuper hard so I really want to pick your brains about it :) And I don't mean that literally ;D

This chapter is dedicated to...... directionerfood!! She has been super supportive and she's the one who finally got me to update the last chapter, because she is so NOT a pushy, inconsiderate mule XD. SO go check her out! Give her a follow and a lovely message, telling how great she is. Because she totes deserves it ;) <3

PIC, up on top now (thanks to the update which I really like btw), is of a beautiful drunk Niall just because. Well, technically he's off somewhere being his goofy drunk self whilst this chapter is going on sooooo yeah... that's why it's here.  :) <3

VID is a song that I feel pretty much sums up this chapter... so take a listen :-) (I put a nose on that one cause it's cute teehee) 

ALRIGHTY, so this has been sorta quick.. 0_0. Ignoring the fact that I ramble like a nervous hyena, I'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to everyone reading this and an even BIGGER THANK YOU (plus give y'all a hug and a plush toy... it'll be in the mail soon *wink wink*) to everyone who votes and comments! It seriously means the world to me and I honestly don't think I will ever be able to explain how grateful I am. 





I don't'... I don't know how to articulate the amount of pain that drowns my body. I thought I was hurt before at the party, but in comparison to this... this right now... that was a fucking paper cut.

My eyes drink in the scene before me, two bodies moving together in unison as their low moans and whimpers stab at my ears. It's excruciating; absolutely, agonizingly, excruciating and I let a whispered plea slide past my lips in hopes of stifling the feeling.

It doesn't help. Instead, it makes things worse by making my presence known. A squeal echoes throughout the monstrously gigantic house as the two scramble off each other. I feel a presence behind me but I can't make myself acknowledge whoever it is, I can only focus on the two people directly in front of me.

I just... I don't know what to do. Everything is in slow motion yet also in fast forward and the pain... god the pain... I can't... I can't handle it. Harry staggers out of his bed, his naked body glinting in the light from the doorway I stand in. "Shit, uh I-I can explain." Harry states, looking around for some clothes and tugging on a pair of sweats.

I shake my head as I try to understand what's happening. I mean... obviously I know... but- but it just doesn't make any sense.

I step backwards and my gaze flickers to the nude girl in Harry's bed. She's laying there, in the same place I've laid, her auburn hair splayed out on the pillow and her cerulean eyes watching me. She sits up, wrapping herself in a sheet and I finally put it together; my mind finally accepting the scene in front of me as real.

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