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“What do you wanna do with her?” The first one spoke, a male voice with a country accent spoke.

“Jay would come back from the grave if we hurt her.” The second voice spoke, also a male but with a British voice spoke as well.

“We should let Morpheus deal with this.” The third voice spoke, a male with a normal American accent.

The smell of seawater and something burnt was all Isabella smelled as she came to. Once the three voices had stopped speaking it was mostly silent, nothing but the sound of water and birds. Her vision was dark and her hands and legs were bound to a seemingly metal chair.

“Well look who's awake.” A fourth voice said, it was another American accented male, his voice lower than that of the third voice.

The girl didn’t respond. In turn, someone took the blindfold off of her, allowing her to see her surroundings and the people around her.

“You know something you shouldn’t.” The fourth voice said, Isabella’s eyes shifting to look at him. The man was tall, almost as tall as Wilbur who was 6’5, he was more at Tommy’s height at 6' 3. He wore a neon green leather suit and had a white porcelain mask over his face. This man was the villain Morpheus, Isabella realized.

“You were going to tell someone. You will not be doing that.” The first voice said. He wore an orange, black, and white bandana around his head with a black mask over his eyes and a fire emoji on his chest.

‘This must be Hephaestus’, Isa thought to herself.

“What do you plan on doing to me then?” Isabella finally spoke, her eyes flicking between the two that had spoken while the other two stood behind her.

“Well, you have a choice here,” Morpheus said, a grin evident in his voice.

“You can join us, so we can keep an eye on you,” Hephaestus said.

“Or we will kill the ones you love.” Morpheus finished.

“The choice is yours. Time is running out on an answer though so… tick. Tock..” Hephaestus said once more, clearly enjoying this.

One by one, three of the four villains walked out. The fourth walked into her field of vision and squatted in front of Isabella.

“I do suggest joining us. Your brother loved being a villain, I’m sure you will too. It’s practically in your blood.” He spoke. It was the second voice. He wore a blue and black leather suit with white rimmed goggles and a black lens, much like that of the man who was following her earlier before this all happened.

“I feel like you don’t love being a villain. The way you stood behind me like a guard means that you aren’t in charge. More of a sidekick.” Isabella spoke, challenging the villain to do something.

“You know nothing, Isabella. We, however, know more that you are probably comfortable with. Jay didn’t even think twice about giving us information on you.” He said, his voice as smooth as honey, causing the girl’s brain to short circuit in a sudden exhaustion, earning no response. Hypnos had the power to put people to sleep with physical touch for extended periods, though sometimes he could use his voice.

“See you soon, Isabella Schlatt,” Hypnos said, standing up and walking out of the room just like the others had done.

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