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“With life. There is death.”

“With death, there is life.”

“The two cannot co- exist without the other.”

“There are those who work themselves to death.”

“And there are those who live their lives to the fullest.”

“The universe pays attention to those who fight for their lives.”

“The universe pays attention to those who make it through the toughest points in their lives.”

“The universe paid attention to you.”

“You showed the universe that you know how to live.”

“You showed that you know how to fight for what you love.”

“The universe chose you.”

“The universe is proud of you.”

“We are proud of you."

“You have survived so much.”

“Your fight is now over.”

“It is time to rest.”

The darkness stayed in Isabella’s eyes. She couldn’t feel anything.

“I’m not ready to rest. My friends are in danger.” Isabella found herself saying.

There was no response.

“Please! They deserve to live in peace!” Isabella yelled into the darkness.

The darkness didn’t answer.

“If the universe chose me then why won’t it help me!? Please! I’ll rest once they’re safe!” Isabella tried once more.

The darkness became bright at once, two figures hovered in front of her.

“Child we can not help you.” The bright figure who reminded Isabella of sunlight said.

“Your friends are not in our domain.” The dark figure who reminded her of night said.

“They will be in your domain soon if you don’t help them.” Isabella pleaded, “please save them.”

The figures looked at each other. They nodded and then turned back to her.

“I suppose we can make an exception this once.” Bright said.

“What is it you suggest we do, child?“ Dark asked.

“Kill Dream Taken.” Isabella said quickly.

“You wish for us to take a mortal life?” Bright questioned.

“Yes.” Isabella answered hurriedly.

They looked at each other once more. They nodded.

"We will do that for you young mortal. However, you will still not be allowed to go back to your life." Bright said, glowing a bit more.

"Thank you." Isabella smiled.

A flash of light left Isabella in the dark once more. She smiled to herself. She her friends.

"You did good kid." A voice spoke, coming from beside her.

She turned her head to look at him.
"You ready to go? It's time for us to go home.


"The other side. Dream will be arriving soon and your business will be finished."

"And your unfinished business?"

"Making sure you make it here okay."

"Why did you leave?"

"I lost myself to alcohol."

"I missed you, Jay."

"I missed you too, Isa."

They smiled at each other, walking to the light and moving on.

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