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Isabella woke up a couple days later in an unfamiliar place. She sat up, rubbing her eyes with a groan.

“You’re awake!” A cheerful voice sounded from beside her.

Isabella turned her head to look at the boy. He was shorter than her with brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a green button down shirt that was buttoned wrong but he didn’t seem to care.

“Tubbo?” Isa questioned.

“You know my name? I feel like I should be concerned that a villain knows my name.” Tubbo laughed, the smile never leaving his face.

“You didn’t take my mask off?” Isabella mumbled in question as she felt her face again. Her mask was there. She must have not noticed it when she rubbed her eyes.

“Of course not. Identities are important. You are allowed a choice in telling people it.” Tubbo explained.

“Is it over?” She asked, laying back down onto the bed.

“Morpheus got away after he almost killed Plutus and Lethe. Hypnos and Hephaestus are with Hermes in Nevadas. They are going to be staying there so Hermes and the others can keep an eye on them. Cronos is in the library with Zephyrus and Amphirite.”

“What’s going to happen with me?”

“Whatever you want. You didn’t do anything bad as far as I know. Other than forcing secrets from people. Hermes and Kalos would probably take the tower down themselves if we put you in a cell.”

Isabella reached up to her face and pulled the purple mask off, dropping it beside her and looking at Tubbo.

“I just want to go home.” She told him in a mumble.

“Isa! You’re alive! That’s amazing! We thought you were dead! It’s been 4 months!” Tubbo exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her.

“No, I am very much alive. I miss my friends.” Isabella laughed quietly. She wanted to cry.

“Oh everyone is going to be so happy! Tommy followed in your footsteps and got a job at the bakery!” Tubbo grinned, holding his hand out to the girl. She took it, getting up and stretching a bit.

“How come you are in the hero tower?”

“Oh! I’m a hero! Well I stay here and run communications and build devices. The others are here too. Sorry we didn’t tell you we were heroes.”

“After what happened, I think it’s probably a good thing.”

The two walked down the hall, making their way to the library where everyone else was with Cronos. Isabella had put her mask back on. They entered the library to see everyone just talking. Cronos was looking at different books and was the first to see them enter.

“Isa! You’re awake!” Karl cheered, gaining the attention of everyone else.

“I am. Everything hurts.” She laughed, pulling Karl into a hug.

“I’m mad at you. I’m also glad you are okay.” Karl chuckled.

“I’m sorry.” She mumbled, pulling her mask off.   

“Isabella?” Peitho asked, staring at the girl.

“Yeah that’s me.” Isa laughed awkwardly, pulling away from Karl.

“We thought you died.” Zeyphrus told her.

“Tubbo told me.” Isabella told them.

One by one the masks were removed. One by one they hugged the girl they believed was dead. One by one they understood what had happened to her.

“Never do that again. I thought I lost you forever.” Wilbur, Peitho, told her, hugging her close.

“I didn’t do it on purpose. I was going to tell you.” Isabella said, burying her head into his arms.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Wil.”

Just like that, everything seemed like it was going to be okay again. Isabella moved into a new apartment after they had sold her old one, believing she was dead. She went back to work in the bakery alongside Niki, Eretand the newcomers Tommy and Ranboo. She learned each of their hero identities and what they could do. Niki was Amphirite with the ability to manipulate water. Eret was Plutus, he had telekinesis and telepathy. Plutus was their name because they lived in a mansion in district one. Ranboo was Lethe, powers of teleporting. Both Eret and Ranboo were still recovering from chasing Dream.

She learned that Tommy was Eris, he didn’t have powers but he was a force of chaos and often distracted people for the heroes. Phil being Zeyphurus felt like something she should have expected along with Wilbur being Peitho. He had the power of persuasion with just his voice.

She began to live again. Now with her news friends in Nevadas as well. Karl stayed in district three, getting his job back at the library. He moved into the apartment with Isabella.

Morpheus was still out there. The heroes were looking for him and he was looking for her. Morpheus always got what he wanted.

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