Here is a short little update, so you can see part of the truth of Merida's death! I bet you'll figure out who's POV it is quickly. Enjoy!
???'s POV
I keep replaying what happened over and over again on a Earth like globe I had stolen. A malicious grin on my face as I watch her fall, and then die after her teammate's failed attempt at saving her.
Some may think it was a coincidence I shot at the team, and my second arrow just so happened to hit her; but it wasn't. I had it all planned. I needed a way to break the team, and what better way then taking down one of their strongest teammates? The Guardian of Courage.
I knew she would see me fire my first arrow, I knew she'd try and stop it, and I knew she wouldn't see the second arrow behind it. But first, I had to get in her head, slowly tear her apart emotionally; and then kill her physically.
Some would call this cruel, unfair, or dishonourable. The way I see it, I was getting payback. Jack and the rest if those no good guardians deserve this after what they put me through! And no, I did not kill her in a blind rage; if I had you'd have known. She deserved this, they all did; so I'll watch in glee as they tear each other apart.
You can die once and come back as a guardian, but die twice and you're dead forever.
"Poor, little Merida. She really should have saw this coming, they all should have. For I am the creator of Nightmares, and not even Guardians can stop it's return."
Watch your back Guardians; this is only the beginning.

Fallen Hero
Fanfiction"She died saving us." "She was with us through everything." "I can't believe she's gone." "What are we going to do now?" "We will avenge her. I can guarantee that." Her name was famous through Scotland. Best archer there ever was. The Guardian of Co...