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Again I'm sorry if this is short!

Merida's POV

~After All Their Training~

"So North, are we going to look for Pitch or are we going to let him come to us?" I ask as all us Guardians stand around the Globe.

"You 6 are going to look for him. We're far too weak." North replies sadly, I could easily pick up on his Russian accent.

It's true. Tooth couldn't even manage a tiny flutter with her wings, Bunny looked to be falling asleep... and shrinking? Sandy was majorly asleep nowadays and North lost his joyful demeanor yesterday. Pitch's plans was taking a toll on them.

"We can beat him!" Jack stated.

"With my trusty frying pan." Flynn smirks.

"My trusty frying pan Eugene." Punzie stated, looking directly at Flynn.

"Yeah, her frying pan." Flynn laughed nervously.

"Oh, you two." Elsa sighs.

"They're fine Snowflake." Jack says floating usual.

I tuned out the rest of their conversation. Memories of my family flashing before my eyes. When I first met the triplets, my first bow, when I turned my mother into a bear. Not so proud of the last one though, I'm just happy I got her back... only to lose her 2 years later. I sigh and clench my bow, this was getting worse. My head is always clouded with pictures of my family now.

"You okay Mer?" Hiccup asked. Toothless had his head tilted to the side as he stared at me.

"Just fine Hicc." I reply trying to get rid of the thoughts.

"When do we leave?" Elsa asks. I look up, what had happened while I spaced out?

"Today." Bunny replies, his Australian accent coming through loud and clear.

"Then we should get ready." Punzie chirps.

"See you after this is over!" I tell North, Sandy, Tooth, and Bunny. I walk out of the workshop and into the snow.

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