A Guardian Down

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Sorry for such a late update, I hate to say it but this might happen more than I'd like to admit. ~Merida

Rapunzel's POV

We all watch in silence as the ceremony is performed. After Merida's death we all rushed back to the North Pole, and told them of what happened. All of us grief stricken at the terrible loss of a close friend, a family member. It took them a few minutes to get it together, and the ceremony begun.

I close my eyes, and look away as she is lowered. She would still be here if I had succeeded. After all I'm a healer, but I couldn't heal her in time. So what does that make me?

Hiccup's POV

Her words echo in my head, as I watch it close.

"I-I d-did l-like ya. I j-just wasn't s-sure h-how to t-tell y-ya."

"I-I d-did l-like ya. I j-just wasn't s-sure h-how to t-tell y-ya."

"I-I d-did l-like ya..."

"...I j-just wasn't s-sure h-how to t-tell y-ya."

She's gone.

"I-I d-did l-like ya..."

Toothless nudges my leg, but I gently push him away and walk towards my room. Her words are on constant repeat, and they seem to be endless. In fact I can still see her face contorted in pain, like she knew Punzie wouldn't be able to save her.

"I'm sorry, Merida."

Jack's POV

I stare at the place she disappeared to. Her body hasn't been there for at least an hour now, but still I stare at the same spot.

"You could have stopped this! All you had to do was be more alert! You caused her death!" a negative voice shouts in my head.

I move off from leaning against my staff and walk towards my room, I pass by Punzie and Flynn, who were just sitting together as the Elves worked tirelessly, but their movements seemed altered. Like they knew about Merida's death, even if no one told them.

Once I reach my room I sit down on the ground. It's like all those years ago with my sister all over again, except I managed to save her. A knock sounds on my door, looking up I see Elsa standing in the door way.

"Hey Snowflake." I offer a weak smile at her. Even during this hard time she still is as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her.

Elsa's POV

"Hey Snowflake." Jack offers me a weak smile as I stand in the doorway.

I give him my best smile in return. Without Merida here things have gotten awfully quiet, no more screaming, no more arguing, and no more missed targets. I can only imagine how heart broken Hiccup is. After being forced to leave Astrid on Berk, and then losing Merida only a day after he finally admits he likes her.

"Merida go back! It's too late!" I shout after her retreating form.

She turns around and faces me, a smile on her face, like she enjoyed the thrill. "That's why I'm going back in there!" she replies, and charges back into the building.

I smile at the memory fondly. Pitch was attacking again, and had taken a few kids hostage. We had gotten the kids, but Pitch had something up his sleeve. Turns out he was stealing something from another location, by the time we arrived it was too late to get it back.

Merida being the stubborn Scottish princess she is went back in and got it. We all celebrated later that day with songs, dances, and friendly competitions. But that's Merida, first one to the action, and the last one to leave it.

"What're we going to do now, Jack?" I ask him softly, as I go to sit beside him on the ground.

"I don't know, I honestly don't know."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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