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Semi/naughty kid.

Description on what he looks like:
Quite chubby(still cute)
Dark skin
Dark brown hair
Deep voice
Likes to flex
Loves football

Popular(both of them r tbh)

Description on what she looks like:
Light brown hair
Blue/green/grey eyes
Short short hair up to the neck.
Shows off infront of friends
Likes reading.

No ages for them both!

Hope you enjoy 👯‍♀️

Diana's pov:

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the back of the line to go to fourth period which was science,I had a test and I did not revise for it so I'm defo fucked.

But luckily I had re then science.

I hope re is good and fun or I think I may jump out the window,luckily if I did we were on the top floor.

I finally snap out my thoughts by getting pushed by one of my many friends,this one was Alyssa.

She was the best out them all,we fight but it's only play fighting.

We get in and I make my way up the stairs and I was actually sweating once I got to the top.

Stupid big ass school god..

I trampled my way into the class feeling his eyes dig into mine,I felt my face burn up out of embarrassment.

I put my bag on my chair letting it hand loose.

Sadly I'm sat next to the;try hard nerd who wants to actually have no friends,so I'm quite fucked.

As I sat their listening to the teacher explain what we're doing I continued to look at him.

He's just so perfects,his voice,his eyes,his personality,god I wanted him to be mine.

I was quickly snapped out my thoughts as I heard my friend on the other table next to me call my name.

"Yeah?" I ask making his smile.

"What were we supposed to do?" She said awkwardly.

I quickly explain before getting up and grabbing what I needed for the lesson.


After the lesson I smiled as the bell rang and I ran out the door.

I tried catching up to my friend but get shoved into a random room.

I tried screaming but my mouth was covered by someone's hand.

My screams muffled as I lost my voice and I got abit dizzy.

My eyes slowly opened as I was scared of who it was.

My eyes widened as I say it was him..

Harry,the guy I was staring at...

Fuck he's even hotter up close..

I felt his hand creep up my thigh,massaging it slowly.

I made muffled moaning noises like I was craving his touch or something.

Maybe it was true,maybe I was craving it...

My thoughts stopped as he attached his lips onto my neck, sucking violently.

A shiver came up my back as his hand went further up.

"S-stop we're gonna be late to c-class.."  I said making him stop the attack on my neck and move on to my lips.

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