Hehehe 😝😝

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I been posting or updating on this smut series bc I've been focusing on my lesbian smut one so sorry for that! But I hope this is up to ur standard and you like it🤗

Hayden got kicked out the school because of getting in many fights and arguing with teacher swearing etc so he got put on management move(getting sent into a different school to see your behaviour change and if it doesn't you get kicked out permanently) but if your behaviour is good then u can come back to the school,Hayden ends up coming back, Danica and Hayden used to date but ended on bad terms arguing and shouting at each over through the phone,Danica ended up moving on, Danica now misbehaving and arguing with teachers and pupils.

Fuck me that took ages to write 🙄🙄

Enjoy 😝😝


Danicas POV:

"Fucks sake.." I groan listening to that annoying ass alarm for the 10th time.

My phone falls on the floor as I sit up.

Wednesdays are rough.

//she is walking in school bc that shits boring as.

Suddenly out the corner of my eye I spot,him,Hayden,who the fuck allowed him to come back.

He better not be in any of my classes, I can't deal with that.

Slowly I walk to form,well,after doing like 6 laps around the school but I eventually get there.

I walk towards my form and see him standing near the door,saying bye to his friend.

Fucks sake.

He looks up at me smiling.

"Long time no see,Danica."

"Ew ,move," I Barge past him making him stumble a little bit hitting the door.

"Dick." I whisper to my friend whispering in her ear.

Hayden's PoV:

I Watch as she bends over talking to her friend while putting her blazer on the back of the chair.

She's changed,I think I like this Danica better,I look under her skirt and smirk,that's gonna come in handy tonight.

I've missed her,I know she was a bitch before but,like I said she's changed,for better or for worse, idk yet,but all I know is that she's going to be mine again.
Sit down.

Walking away from the class I spot my head off year,shit,exuse time.

"Why are we out of lesson?"

"I thought I was there,I've got to used to the old classrooms can you show me we're this one is" I say showing him my timetable.

"Ok fine,follow me,"he says,got away with that one.

//first period.

Hesitantly I walk into my first lesson.

I look at Danica surrounded by loads of girls and I mentally cheer.

I then see a boy there holding her shoulder.

I immediately get up and walk over to them,pushing that freak out the way.

"What u looking at," all her friends start to move away from me,ugly ass'.

"Nothing,piss off."

"Oh don't be so mean,ik you still love me," I bend down reaching her height.

"Sure I do," she says a red colour forming on her cheeks.

I grin and walk away,to my friends and start talking.

A few minutes into the lesson I see Danica on her phone.

The teacher then appears behind her and holds his hand out,wanting the phone probably.

"Yeah I'm not giving you it."

"You have to otherwise your leaving the classroom," he says.

"Right I'd rather leave, you ginger nonce watch mate I'll slap you," she says making her friends laugh.

I see shes developed an attitude.


"Get out my lesson now!" He shouts making her just laugh in his face.

"Gladly you freak,your lessons shit," she says before walking out slamming the door behind her.

I raise my hand making up an excuse to leave the classroom.

Luckily this teacher is a dumbass and let me go.

I'm not going to be back so I take my stuff sneakily,it was only a jacket and pe kit it's fine.

I manage to get out and spot Danica talking to our old ict teacher,when I was actually in the school.

When I get closer he leaves and now I'm face to face with her.

"What do you want?"

"You,I want you.." I say getting closer to her.

"You were a complete dick Yk I'm not just going to get back with you just because your being all nice?"
She says making me smirk.

"Ik I was,but I deserve another chance,I know you want me."

"Ik what's best for me and it's not you,don't even waste your time."

"You know you like me though what's the harm,I can take care of you," I say moving closer putting my hands on her hips.

"Fuck.." she breaths out slowly getting closer.

I look down at her pulling her towards me.

"So?" I ask.


I smile kissing her on her lips,quickening my pace,she's so hot.


I'm so hard right now.

Luckily we're next to the toilets.

I pick her up by her ass taking her towards a stall.

She moans into the kiss stopping for a second,out of breathe.

I feel my dick rub against her inner thigh.

I need to get these tights off her.

She's gonna drive me crazy.

She takes one arm off my shoulder and pulls down her tights,I take one hand off her ass ,holding her with just one, and pull down my pants.

I grab her ass with two hands now and start to roughly thrust into her,"ah~ fuck, faster!" She moans.

I smile and end up going faster,her moans filling my ears.

I hear the wetness of her pussy and the banging of her back hitting the stall wall.

"Are you close yet baby," I say, she nods in response.

After one last thrust we both cum, I pull out letting it spray all over her now wet thigh.

Hers just leaking out her pussy.

She grabs tissue and wipes herself with it.

She also hands me some and we both clean up getting decent again.

The door unlocks and she looks back at me.

"Text me,we should do this again.." she smiles.

I stay silent just imagining all the things I want to do to her.

Hope u likeee 😜😜

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