I cant help it 🤗

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Teacher x student

Deirdre lee,girl/bottom
Seth grey,male/top

I've never done a gxm txs one before so hopefully it's good,if not then lmk in a kind way bc I will cry 🤗 enjoy ^^

Deirdre's PoV:

"Why are we late,again." Mr grey says looking at me.

He was a cool teacher, not strict but also not someone you can take advantage off,he's decent is what I'm trying to say.

"Idk," I respond back,my reason is that I was doing laps around the school but I'm not gonna tell him that am I.

About 40 minutes into the lesson I was on my phone and get tapped on the shoulder,jumping abit.

"Phone,give it now."

"I'm not giving you my phone," I argue back.

"Either stand outside or give me ur phone," he says sternly.

"Im not giving u my phone mate," I laugh getting up and standing outside in the hallway.


I then argue with my pastoral and sir as we go back and forth,miss then leaves taking care of this other person,"get in class and if your phone isn't on my desk by the end of the lesson your getting a phone call home and possibly a detention."

"I'm not giving you it," I scoff as I walk back into the class.

Sarah turns towards me and tells me to roll up my sleeves,omg she always does this.

"This better not stain this time istg," we both laugh as I pull up my sleeves holding my arms out,she grabs her pen and draws on stuff idk what I just get distracted by sirs board.

Sarah then presses on hard,"owww Sarah!" I cry laughing as I pull away,"look you made it red!"

She just laughs grabbing my arm and putting it back into place.

Mr grey locks eyes with me,pushing his chair towards the desk,I then whine in pain as she does it hard again,"ABUSE!" I shout making my friends around me burst into laughter,mr grey just hiding his highly erect dick under the desk,we lock eyes again and I just smile at him looking down under the desk and then back at him.

Maybe that detention wouldn't be to bad..

//tomorrow, 4th period.

I wait near the door and look at my friend ,in the year above me, she had a detention with this teacher,I press my face up against teh glass waiting for her.

Mr grey then walks past me,"moring,Deirdre,see you next lesson."

I forgot I had him.

I feel my face heat up,no way I'm blushing at him.

I'm not I refuse to, I fan my face before seeing Alexia walk out the classroom and we go to find our other friend.

//next lesson,end of school.

After a few laps around the middle floor I walk into the class,sitting in my usual place.

I start cutting up paper and I leave it on my desk,swinging on my chair, bored as ever.

I had a detention with him today straight after this,idk how long for but oh well.

He then takes the paper and crumpled it up putting it in the bin.

Rude wow.

//packing up to go home.

Everyone stands behind the chairs, I sit on the table behind me.

I swing my legs back and forth,pulling my phone out texting friends on snap.

I look up at sir and realise he's looking at me,well under my skirt.

I quickly close my legs,feeling my face grow hotter.

The bell goes and I stay on the table,he walks over to me and I open my legs again.

I can feel my wettness through my tights.

"Don't tease me Deirdre.." he whispers getting closer and closer.

"I-I wasn't trying t-to" I Mutter backing up as he was getting closer to my face.

"Oh really?"

I nod trying to escape his stare.

"I think I'm gonna have to punish you for that attitude last lesson."

I try to speak but no words come out.

"Why not put that mouth to use, huh?" He says making me look up at him.

I hide my smile as he pulls me towards his desk and shoved me under.

He unbuckles his pants,looking down at me he grabs onto my hair and pushes me closer to his very erect dick.

A pile of teachers walk and I just freeze.

Shit we better not get caught.

He smirks down at me before looking up and talking to them.

I move my head down and start sucking,my head going up and down.

I put my hands on his knees for balance and he just tugs on my hair harder.

He signals me to go faster, so I do.

I hope these teachers leave soon.

Totally mood breaker.

A few minutes later they all say their byes and I mentally smile,I go faster gently scraping my teeth on his cock.

He lets out a groan and pulls me onto his lap,his dick poking in my tights.

"Oh baby we're still not done.." he says ripping a hole in my tights making his dick shoot up into my tight hole.

I jump up grabbing onto his shoulders.

I moan loudly as he grabs onto my waist.

As my pussy is slamming down on his huge dick,you could hear the wetness.

My back arches as we both cum in sync.

He then shoots up turning me around and bending me over the table.

He lines his dick up with my ass and starting thrusting in me,faster and faster,my moans getting louder and louder.

They were practically screams of pleasure atp.

"Fuck,daddy,yes.." I moan as he cums in me once again,shortly after he pulls me closer stroking on my clit.

As I arch my back he takes his fingers away and I look back at him.

He pulls up his pants and smiles.

"Consider this your punishment."

I stand there my eyes looking in his,I sit down on his chair and spread my legs,pleasuring myself as he just watched,his pants getting tighter.

"Your turning me on so bad right now baby.." he sighs.

I let out a moan as I cum onto my fingers,I lift my fingers up and put them into my Mouth,locking eyes with him.

"Get out now Istg if you don't I'm gonna make you not able to walk for weeks," he whispers into my ear making me jump up and run out the class with blush covering my cheeks.

Fuck,what did I just do..

I need to stop having sex with my teachers(NOT IRL.)

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