This is like the first part of the book but evolved characters 😍

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If u didn't know that first part(and second) was me n this guy I liked then dated but we broke up but I also still love him so we move but,shush, this is describing me and him but different names for privacy reasons(same with whatever else.)


I run back into toilets hiding in the stall with my mate Hannah,"girlss,get out please.."

"Miss Im on the toilet!" I shout watching Hannah cover her mouth and laugh her head of.

I hear the heals go away down the corridor and I start laughing with her.

"Nahhh,that's funny."


I walk into art and give the teacher my report, I watch Harry look at me walking to my chair.

I throw my blazer on the back of the chair and wait for sir to tell us what hes gonna do today.

I look across the table and meet Harry's eyes.

He looks back straight away and I smile looking back down at my paper,how cute.

At the end of the lesson I get given my report and I've done good.

I ask to go lunch early,"no miss said you can't."

"Welll I think I can.."

"Diane come back you'll get a detention again?!"

"Oh my I don't care!!" I scream back walking out the class down towards lunch.

I shove my report in my pocket and wait in lunch line.


I look at Harry as I move infront of him on the stairs.

I smirk as I know he's looking at me.

I carry on talking to my friends Katherine.

"Harry drags my wrist and lets me fall back onto his chest."

"What the fuck retard!"

"Piss of then?" He says most likely at Katherine.

"What was that for?" I roll my eyes.

We were on the top floor so it was quite empty.

"Pull your skirt down."

"The fuck,no?"

"My mates are looking at your ass and if they say something again I'm gonna be put into fucking prison or somet."

"Would teach you some fucking manners you dog." I say smiling.

I hide my laugh it.

"Oh ,wow, I don't find you funny Diana."

"True though."

"Don't get cheeky or I'll put you in your place and you know full well I will,"

"Gowan then,try it."

"Don't piss me of now." He says looking down at me.

I laugh as he looks into my eyes.

"Oh babe your just making me laugh," I say trying not to shit myself,I really am shaking and i am very scared.

He hold my hand and laughs,"you sure mate."

I roll my eyes and start walking to maths.

This bozos made me late.

He pushes me into the bathrooms near my maths class.

"You need to stop taking me places,it's getting creepy"I smile.

"Roll your skirt down."




"You really want my mates looking at your ass."

"Don't care."

He looks angryyy.

"Oh are you getting angry babeee.." i walk up to him looking up at him.

"I don't care if anyone else looks at my ass,it only matters when you do," I say smiling rubbing his neck.

"If anyone even glances at you I'll snap there fucking neck."

"Or,you could just make sure nobody does,by making me, alllll, yours," I whisper into his ear.

I kiss the crook of his neck and he tilts his head back.


"Cmon.." I say pulling him down to my height with his shirts collar.

He pulls me into a stall making me fall and sit on his lap.

I drop my blazer on the floor and he attaches his lips to mine.

He travels down to my neck and starts biting aggressively causing me to tilt my head back and hold onto his thighs.

I hiss as I move around on his lap.

He does this a few more times and I feel him get harder just from me fidgeting.

I do it more letting the horny part of me wake up again.

He stops biting and sucking on me and grabs my hips.

He pulls down his pants and I pull down my tights and kick them of along with my shoes.

Him flicking his of to.

He gets impatient and just slides my thong out the way and pushes it in without warning.

"Shit.." I cry.

I grab ahold of his neck and let myself bounce up and down on his dick.

I moan louder and louder as I fit the full length in.

"So so tight baby,fuck."

"Oh trust me I'm wet to.."

He grins as I look at him while slamming down on him.

He then released after pushing me off so I don't get it inside me.

I attach my lips to his neck sucking and biting harshly so he's also mine.

He smiles as it's very noticeable.

"If I find out you covered them then I'll fuck you even harder.."

I nod and put my clothes back on.

He sqeezes my ass before leaving the bathroom stall.


I walk past Harry and his mates.

"Shit man shes got a lad already.hickeys man,seriously."

"Yeah so piss off cause she's mine you dicks."

"Oh right sorry.." they all say quietly.

"Look at her again,you'll be on the news and I'll be in fucking Juvenal.

They nod and I smile.

Before I could get past them I get pulled in and kissed by harry.

"Awh cute." I say smiling.

I get a last slap on the ass as I walk away making me turn around and smile.

I'm so sick enjoy

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