Aanotherrrr randommmmm😍😍

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Same character names as last time bc I'm so fucking lazy 😻😻😻

New story js same characters


Me and Harry are dating and omg is he cute!

We go out everyday and it's safe to say I love it.

I walk my way into the school letting my bag hand off my shoulder.

Alyssa was next to me like always,we were heading to lunch,I hate lunch mainly because it's packed but also because it's boring.

I grab a chair from the stack I put my bag on the chair next to me and take my seat.

I grab my phone out but put it on my lap when I hear my friends come close to me.

"Omg hey Diana!" I smile awkwardly.

"Oh hey girl!" I take the hint in responding w it's the same humour.

I smile as she rants on about HER boyfriend.

I smile and nod ignoring everything she was saying.

She walks away after smiling and finishing what she was saying.

Me and Alyssa laugh but turn back to my phone after a second or two.

Harry then walks back not even looking at me,I was confused but oh well.

I shrug just in time for the bell to go and everyone rush up the stairs.

Me and Alyssa soon walk up after a minute to let the herd get away.

We rush to the stairs and go to geography.

She has re but I have geography I mean,we part ways soon enough and I get into geography.

Harry then shouts at the teacher for not sitting down then getting sent to another class for"disruptive behaviour" he was funny though so I don't know.

After writing a whole essay (not really) I get my bag and run home to text him.

D:heyyy are you home?

H:yesss hi

D:why'd you walk past me at the end of lunch?

H: what do u mean?

D:you never even looked at me..

H:and what's wrong with that.

D:nothing then go away.

I close my phone burrying my face into my pillow before a text comes up from him.

I ignore it he doesn't care about me so I won't care about him.

About 10 minutes later a knock came from the door.

I went down as nobody answered it and opened it,Harry stood there looking angry.

Not angry at anyone else,but me?

"H-Harry why are you here??" I mumbled shifting uncomfortably.

He storms in grabbing my wrist dragging me to my room.

"You know boys aren't allowed in my house unless somebody's in and they know them,Harry"

"And do I care?"

"I would hope so," I roll my eyes.

"Don't backchat me." He says.

"Oh, what would you do if I did?" I grin taking it as a challenge.

He smiles making me laugh abit.

"See you won't do anything idiot," I say smiling.

I look at the tall boy infront of me and squirm as he glares at me.

He raises a eyebrow and smirks at me.

"S-sorry." I say reluctantly.

He nods breaking the intense staring battle I had with him.

(At least I won)

I laugh without meaning to making him turn around.

"Why do u feel like i walked past you then?" He asks.

"Because,you always ignore me all the time and don't listen to me and it hurts my feeling because you say you love me but you don't show it even though you say you do I just can believe you if you don't actually show it." I blurt out holding my breath then gasping for air."

I look down at the floor until he pushes me onto the bed.

He presses his lips on mine making me turn hot and red.

"W-what are you doing,h-Harry" I stammer.

"Making sure you don't feel ignored."

He pulls down my pants and then pulls down his.

"Harry you know I can't,what if they hear us!"

"Then be quiet,love."

I nod.

He slowly puts the tip of his member in me then thrusts inside me making a slapping noise form.

I whimper as it's my first time.

I grab the bed sheets for support but he pushes my hands away.

He shakes his head still thrusting into me.

"W-why.." I breath out.

He puts his hand over my mouth muffling everything I try say.

I go limp letting Harry do what he wanted to.

I sneak my hands onto the edge of the bed griping firmly.

He places his hands on my hips making the bed rock back and forth.

My moans could be heard from ages away.

He moves his hands to my shirt holding onto my tits as some kind of support.

My back arches as he releases on the outside of my now wet pussy.

He pulls my hair back making eye contact with him.

"Do you feel like you've been ignored now?"

I shake my head panting while sweat comes down my forehead.

"Really,tired already? I could go for another 3 rounds," I shake my head aggressively in response.

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

Short but good enough doll

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