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Diana and Harry Pookie bc what else is it gonna be like Reallyyyyy🤔🤔🤔

I Walk into school Not exited.

Fully so boring I want to die.

I mean it's almost winter break.

It was just a normal day form and shit lessons like usual.

I walk into form like 10 minutes late but honestly do I care no obviously not everybody's always late to form I swear.

I collapse on my chair and just sit back not happy.

I pull my phone out and see someone's added me,what.

It's literally my ex.

What the fuck.

I add him back cause do it for the plot duh.

He texts back instantly.



"Holy shit destiny what?"

"Wym Yh ofc it's me Tf."

"Didn't know cause of ur bitmoji."

"Erm ok then"

He then leaves the chat and come back a few seconds later.

"I see you've gotten fitter,"

"Cute thanks"

He then sends a snap of him.

I fully put my hand to my mouth making my friend look at me weird.

I ignore them and think of what to say.

"If you've gotten fitter too."I actually want him so bad.

"Wow blushing,surprised I got a compliment from u tbf"

"Wym surprised I'm not that rude"

"I've looked at your story and how u talk to people soooo idk what to tell you love"

I actually fold dropping my phone on the table and putting my hands on my face.

"Now aren't you supposed to be in skl"

I get up and pick my phone up again.

"I am duh."

"How u texting me then."

"Teachers not looking."

"Oh ok fairs"


I put my phone In my pocket and start to talk to my friends.

I then look at the door as someone walks in.


My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

I look at my friend.

"He's well fit" I look at her and kick her.

" the fuck you mean weirdo," I give her a dirty look.

She looks at me back with a confused look.

She rolls her eyes and keeps eyeing him up.

"Fucking roll your eyes u freak actually watch"

"What r u gonna do" she says.

"I'll fucking twat u Yk I will."

"Right whatever sorry." She says getting up and moving to a different seat.

I look at Harry Coming towards me and taking a seat next to me.

"Why'd your friend walk away?" He asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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