Random bc yall arent giving me requests🙄

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Describing bc I can't find pics!!

Black hair
British roadman kind of style
Good with kids
Very pale
Energetic always

Short wolfcut
Mini skirts+bodysuits+cropped shirts esc style
Hates kids but has a soft spot for some
Also very pale
Quiet with some people energetic with some people

They are both on holiday in Greece same hotel + the hotel has a pool and a bar/resturant

Nolan's pov:

I strike the ball and smile as I get one in,I'm so happy this hotel has a pool table.

I then hear a bunch off chatting come out of nowhere.

I look up and see a family coming down the stairs.

I shrug it off and continue playing with my brother.

I then spot a girl coming down the stairs.

She had a beige miniskirt on with a beige, lacy cropped top on.

I smile looking at her ass as she walks by me.

We then lock eyes for a second before she walks towards the bar.

I get out this trance or whatever and continue to strike the balls.lol

// in the morning

I walk out my room,which is on the bottom floor,and spot the same girl from last night.

She was in a red one piece swimsuit which didn't really sound hot,but she just pulled it off,her hourglass figure and a little bit of stomach just made me want to rip her clothes off.

I sit on the edge of the pool waiting for my baby sister.

I smile and she runs to me smiling.

I stand up in the shallow end with her in my arms and start tickling her.

What else are you supposed to do with a kid.

I stand her up and dip my head in the water and come back up making her laugh for some reason,kids are so silly and stupid,that also makes them cute.

I see the girl looking at me from the other end of the pool,she instantly looked away as she realised I was looking.

A few minutes later, my mum threw a ball into the pool for my sister.

I give it to her and she starts throwing it everywhere in the pool which I had to go retrieve for some odd reason.

Bit rude but ok.

The ball then lands right infront of the girl.


The ball then gets tossed over to me by her and we both smile then look away.

No way that girl just made me blush your having a laugh,I never even knew I could do that Fr.

I ignore it and just carry on playing with my sister.

I did. get waterboarded quite a few times but it made her laugh so it's fineee.

My sister is very important to me,if you couldn't tell which I don't think you could but Incase you wanted to know,you probably didn't but oh well.

My sister then jumps out the pool and into my dads arms.

I think she was tired.

I shrug it off and go to get out the pool.

I look over my shoulder and see the girl climbing out the pool,I bite my lips as I look at her ass,it was 😶.


She then walks to her towel wraps it around her and walks upstairs.

Gwens Pov:

I get to my room and scroll on my phone.

A few seconds later I hear a knock on my door. I get up and open the door.

I stand there in bewilderment,it was that boy,how did he find my hotel room?

He then barges in shutting the door behind him.

I back up before he rushes forward and smashes his lips onto mine.

He holds me by my waist and moves us closer to the bed.

I was still in my swimming costume,so I don't know how he was planing on taking this thing of.

He pins me onto the bed moving his hands up to my straps.

He slowly moves them down and leaves the costume revealing my breasts but covering the rest.

He starts massaging them causing me to whine in his grasp.


He then removes the rest of my costume leaving me bare naked.

He pulled down his shorts and positioned himself towards my hole.

He slowly pushes in after putting a condom on,luckily there was one in my drawer.

I gasp before he starts thrusting in and out of me,"your so tight aren't you.." he breaths out making my cheeks go red and my pussy to get wetter.

He continues for another few minutes before we both reach our climax,he pulls out and cums on my stomach,I just let it flow out of me.

I let out heavy breaths and he just licks and swallows my cum off my pussy,I then wipe my stomach of before he stands up pulling up his shorts, "I left my number in your phone." He says tossing my phone on my bed.

I smile as the door slams shut.

God what the fuck just happened.

Very short and rushed but oh welll😈🤗🤗🤗

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