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Zeeke and Diana again Pookie 😝😝😝😡😡😡😡

Diana's PoV:
If it's shit I apologise I've not wrote in ages and motivation is low and I'm tired so enjoy if u do Ty.

I walk into science and I see that I don't have any regular teacher.

I smile and walk out again doing more laps around the school but after like 5-10 minutes I go inside and walk towards my seat.

I tell the girl in MY seat to move because girly that's my seat I ain't moving tf.

She moves so I sit next to my friend,zeeke he's so nice and funny idm him sitting next to me even though he isn't supposed to be there.

I'm not a snitch.

I sit down next to him and he then starts talking to me.

I talk back and start laughing and doing the work.

A revision leaflet for the test next lesson.he then puts his legs over mine and I feel my heart beat rapidly but I just let him because oh well, I don't mind it.

It's so wrong but I can't help it.

He starts to squeeze my leg and I whine and he makes fun off me. I laugh and roll my eyes.

I then feel him tap his shoe on my covered below area, he tapped harder probably not knowing what he's doing.

He taps harder on it one last time and I almost moan but I play it of with a low "ah" scream type of deep thing.

He mocks me and I roll my eyes.

Near the end off the lesson he starts to get up but presses his hand on my thigh pushing himself up and walks away.

I smile but try hide it as I feel myself getting horny but like wrong timing girl.

Honestly it's never gonna be the right timing.

I get up aswell and pat down my skirt making sure it's not sticking up.

I look at him take a peek and try to ignore it and fake not noticing.

I start Talking to Friends and then hear the bell go.

I then see him come towards me and hit me hardly with a ruler.

I scream and shout at him while he walks away.

Not funny at all very very rude.

I look at him stay upstairs and I walk up the stairs towards my friends lesson and he follows.

I hold my skirt down so they can't see up it but,why not be a tease.

I take my hand off and feel his eyes on my ass.

I get to the stairs and look at him go towards the non-binary toilets.

I say to my friend I'll be a second and I follow him, I'm only a few steps behind him and look at him go inside the toilet,I follow him.

"Zeekeee~" I whisper.

He turns his neck to look at me and I look down seeing a bulge in his pants.

I smirk as he slaps me on the shoulder.

"You knew what u was doing!" He whisper yelled and I smiled.

"What do u mean??" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

He hits me on my shoulder and I hit him back.

"Who do you think your hitting?"

"You tf," I laugh.

He slaps my shoulder harder,"oww, rude!"

"Don't hit me then?"

I nod giving him a dirty look.

"Now be a good girl and help me will you..." he says.

I feel my stomach start to twist and I look at him In disbelief.


"You heard me." I nod hesitantly.

He pushes me in the cubicle and he puts the toilet seat down as I lock the door.

It's quite small in the toilets but he pulls me onto his lap.

"Your tiny Im gonna squash you" I laugh smirking.

"Shut up and help me you caused this anyways."

"How do you even want me to help?" I ask.

"No but seriously I'm kinda heavy.."

"It's fine just sit,idm it your making me even more hard rn so just shush." He says and I nod.

He grabs my hips and he starts to untuck my T-shirt.

He puts his hand down my skirt and tights towards my underwear,plain black ones and he smiles.

My stomach gets butterflies and he starts messaging my underwear making me get abit mad and fidgety.

"Stop moving like that.." he breaths out.

I nod and try stop.

I feel his hand go up and down on my actual bare pussy and starts messaging my clit.

I moan into his shoulder and jerk forward causing my inner thigh to feel his dick.

He goes faster causing me to move my hips around.

I moan loudly into his shoulder biting down on his shoulder still moving faster as he goes faster.

He breaths fast as he rapidly tries to get his pants off.

He pulls his hand off and wipes his fingers on my thinner thigh,he then pushes me on the floor causing me to go on my knees.

He then frees his dick which is highly erect and bigger then I though a midgets would be.

He pushes my head towards it and I go for it.

Never done it before but oh well.

He always teases me about this so many times calling me a prostitute and stripper, which I liked but still it's so surreal.

I continue hopping my head up and down and he seems to be enjoying it as he breathing heavily,panting.

I do it faster holding it from the bottom as he tugs on my hair.

I then feel him cum in my mouth as I swallow it wasn't that much either way.

I get up and he pulls me in causing his still hard dick to dig into my covered pussy,a moan escapes my mouth.

He smirks,"still want more?"

"I shrug,from you yeah.." I whisper slowly biting on his neck.

He then starts to do the same as he pulls me back down on the toilet lid us both biting and sucking on eachover necks untill we both finish and make matching hickeys.

I smile proud and he just turns me around so I can lean my head on his shoulder backwards.

He then starts to put his fingers in and out and around my hole and I moan panting heavily out of breath.

He has veiny hands and long fingers,"fuck.." I breath out.

I moan quietly feeling the cum leak out onto his fingers.

He puts them in his mouth and I find that so attractive you don't understand.

I still wanted more but, I don't want to hurt do anything more,I'm to scared.

I clean myself up and I practically run out the toilets.

I explain to my friend that I had a detention and they bought it.

I past zeeke in the hall and I feel it throbbinggg for him, we have to do more..

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