Chapter 11

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Moonlight's POV

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Moonlight's POV

"This is my favorite!!" Luna was so excited but I felt awkward. Luna put me right next to Liam and I couldn't stop thinking of what happened in the hallway. The side of my body was squished up against Liam's. I could feel his muscular torso.

"What we watching?" Selena walked in joyfully. She sat next to Luna pushing me closer to Liam.

"Frozen!!" Luna started rambling on about the movie to her mom. I could t focus I was in this awkward position between Luna and Liam.

I had to get out of this awkward situation...

"Luna I'm sorry I'm not feeling well imma go lay down." I apologized as I was standing up I saw her face. It was understanding but their was still that hint of sadness. Luna is such a sweet compassionate girl. She reminded me of how I was when I was her age. I was just like her. I was a quiet sweet reserved child. I didn't have many friends and years at time I didn't even have any. The only main friends I had was Selena and Moon. She probably wants to k ow me better. I'm sure they told her stories of me but she just met me a month ago.

Has it really been a month. A month since I've been free.

Sometimes I still feel like I'm trapped in that basement. Days I feel fine then the next I feel week. Breathing is hard at times from being stuck in a basement. Somedays I can't even eat because I was fed so little.

The worst is the nightmares.

He still haunts me. Even though I saw that bullet go through his head he still tortures me. He still lives and breathes for me. He's haunting me from his grave. If he even has one. I sat on my bed and instantly realize I need more than just physical help.

I need phycological help too.

Unknown's POV

"Boss." I slowly looked at this small excuse of a man.

"We found out who killed Nathan." I gripped onto the glass liquor in my hand. I had an idea of who could've killed him but it's been clarified.

Liam Sanchez. The f**king Sanchez family.

"Announce the war. The Sanchez's messed with us for the last time."

"You know his sister is dating the Capo sir?"

"We'll use it to our advantage."

"O-ok sir."

Moonlight's POV

"You look good Moonlight." I was cautious to reply. I decided to do therapy. I was sick and tired never getting sleep.

He was always haunting them.

"Thank you."

"Well my name is Demi." She introduced herself and I just smiled in response. I was nervous and unsure if this was a good idea. Like I know she knows who I live with.

The big bad cartel leader.

"So let's start at your childhood."

My childhood.

Thank you for reading I'll see you all next time and feel free to follow me on insta @adrianna_write 💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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