X-mas Party Games

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Joyce, Hopper, Karen, Ted, and Murray were joined in the Wheeler family home for Christmas Eve. The kids were at Lucas' parents home for the night, and the group of friends decided to gather for a night of holiday fun and drinking. The five sat in the living room all facing one another around the coffee table like they were teenagers in high school again. This takes place around Season 2-3. The only couple in the room were Ted and Karen.

"So what's the drinking game tonight?" Murray asks.

"Not so fast. Everyone put what you brought on the table," Karen instructed. She told everyone to bring their favorite drink, enough for the group to share. Murray immediately slams his cheap vodka bottle on the table, perhaps a bit too excitedly. Ted pulls a grotesque face at his choice of booze. Karen sets a bottle of wine on the table as Joyce does the same with a chardonnay. Hop reaches beside him and pulls out a bottle of Jim Beam. "Fitting," Karen remarks. And Ted sets a six-pack of beer down.

"That's it?" Hop asks Ted.

"What? We have more in the fridge," Ted says. Hop rolls his eyes at his predictably rigid demeanor. He was only joining because he lives there, not because anyone thinks he's any fun to hang out with.

"Let's all start with a shot of Beam, shall we?" Karen says as she unstacks the shot glasses and passes them around. They all follow her lead. Joyce and Karen clink glasses and down their shots, trying not to cough afterwards. Hop and Murray down theirs with ease. Ted sighs and takes an exaggeratedly long sip until his is gone. "Don't worry, guys. He'll loosen up soon," Karen says, giving the group a wink. Hop shoots Joyce a look as if to say, yeah, I hope so. A Christmas record plays in the background as Karen explains the game she had planned.

"Alright. So for the first one I got this new party game on my last shopping run. It looks fun. It's basically just a bunch of personal adult trivia questions and when it's your turn to read, you have to pick who has to answer it before you read the card. If the person refuses to answer, they have to take a shot," Karen explains.

Murray rolls his eyes. "Clever. So basically, Truth or Truth."

Joyce gives him a playful slap on the arm. "Oh it'll be fun, Murray. I'm ready! Who's going first?" Everyone keeps their gaze on Joyce. "Oh, okay. I see how it is." She laughs as she picks up the first card. "Oh wait," she says before she flips it over. "Murray," she chooses. Joyce chokes before she's able to read the question aloud. "Do you enjoy using sex toys?" she asks while laughing. The others join in.

"Oh this'll be good," Hop says. He looks to Murray as he throws his hands in the air, shaking his head.

"This intense already, huh? Okay. Yes." The others start to cackle. "Hey! Don't knock it until you try it! I'm looking at you, Jim."

"You're one sick individual aren't ya Murray," he says.

"Oh come on now! Let's play nice," Karen scolds. "There's nothing wrong with some extra fun in bed, isn't that right, Ted?" Ted slaps his forehead into his palm. "Okay, so let's go counter clockwise. Jim, you're next."

"K. This one's for you then, Karen." Hop picks up the next card from the deck. "What is the earliest you have started drinking in the day?" He slaps the card on the table and cocks his head toward her, curious to see what she'll say.

Karen blushes. "I have three kids. So... ten," she admits. Joyce opens her mouth and gives her a scandalous look. "Your turn Murray."

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