Yes, Officer

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Joyce purposely drove 80 in a 55 on the highway. When she saw the red and blue lights start flashing behind her in the rearview mirror, she smirked and sped up. She loved the chase.

The cop car approached her until it was tailing her. She took a sharp turn off of exit 21, but the cop was able to keep up and followed her off the freeway. After about ten minutes of this chase, it was time for her to pull over. Too much more would've drawn extra police attention. She pulled over on the side of a rural road and waited.

A tall, muscular cop exited his vehicle and walked up to hers. She rolled down her window. "Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?" he asked.

She scratched her chin and looked off to the left, pretending to think. "Hmm, was I distracting other drivers again?" she asked seductively.

"You were going 40 miles over the limit, ma'am. Step out of the car," he said.

She did as she was told. She stepped out, arms in the air, and turned to face her car. The cop slammed her against it with his hips and pulled her arms back behind her. He cuffed her tightly and grabbed her by her right arm, walking her to his vehicle.

"You've been a very bad girl, Miss Byers. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson," he said as he ducked her head down and pushed her into the back seat. She grinned mischievously.

Hop and Joyce had been dating for about two months now, and her biggest turn on was when he was in uniform and being his stern, powerful self on duty. She decided to take advantage of that about a month ago on her day off when she pulled up next to Hop in his blazer on the road. She made the impulse decision to get herself pulled over by him, and since then they've been playing this game every once in a while.

Hop drove the two back to his cabin and pulled into the rocky driveway. He forcefully tugged her out of the car and walked her swiftly into his home. "Is this the jail, Officer?" Joyce asked innocently.

"You bet it is. And you'll be coming with me so I can teach you how naughty you've been," he said. He walked Joyce into his bedroom and uncuffed her right wrist only. He then cuffed her left wrist to his left bed post. He pulled out three extra pairs of cuffs from his bedside drawer and did the same for her other three limbs until she was sprawled out on his bed, unable to move.

Hop placed his hand on his holster and stood over the woman in his bed, looking down at her and shaking his head with disapproval. He took his hat off and tossed it to the floor. Joyce bit her lip in excitement.

"Not that you have any choice, but stay put," Hop said, smirking. He then walked out of the bedroom to retrieve a pair of scissors from the kitchen. He came back and held them up for her to see.

"I'm going to have to do a search. Stay still." He proceeded to push her chin up with the scissors, then dragged the blade down her neck. He started to cut her clothes off slowly, from her t-shirt down to her jeans. He tossed the scissors and her clothes to the ground and pulled off her shoes and socks, pretending to inspect them. Now she just laid there in her black bra and undies.

"Hiding anything in there?" he asked as he pointed between her breasts. She shook her head no. "I don't know if I believe you." He bent down over the bed and wrapped his arms around her back to unhook her bra, sliding it above her head. He lifted each breast with two fingers to look underneath. "All clear there. How about there," he asked as he pointed to her panties.

"I guess you'll have to check for yourself," she said teasingly. Hop placed his hand around the rim of her panties and yanked hard. They ripped off in one motion and he held them out proudly with his pointer finger before tossing them aside. He knelt down on the bed and spread her legs open even further, and looked at her naked pussy. He trailed his fingers gently down her clit to her vagina.

"Not seeing anything, but sometimes criminals like you will hide stuff up there, so I'll be checking that, too," he told Joyce. She smirked and said, "Do what you have to do, Officer." He proceeded to shove two fingers forcefully inside of her wet pussy and moved them around. She let out a cry at the motion. Finding nothing, he pulled them back out and licked them clean. "You're lucky," he said. "All clean."

Now that Joyce was fully nude on his bed, he stood above her and began rubbing his bulge outside of his uniform pants for Joyce to see. "I think it's time for that lesson now," he said in his deep, sultry voice. He removed the belt from his pants and folded it in half. "Open wide," he said.

Joyce did as instructed and spread her legs apart as far as she could, even though they were already cuffed to the bedposts. Hop folded his belt in half and stroked the length of the leather before holding it behind his shoulder. He belted her wet pussy a total of five times, each time increasing with intensity until Joyce screamed out. The motion caused some of her wetness to splash on her legs. Once he was done he tossed his belt to the floor and knelt down on the bed, hovering over her. He lowered himself so his face was only inches above hers. "You ready?" he asked. She nodded in compliance. "Good," he said.

Hop knelt back up between her legs and held his holster once again, this time pulling out his gun. He popped open the chamber and dropped the bullets onto her chest. One rolled to her nipple and the cold hard metal made her jolt. He then slammed the chamber shut and took the barrel to her chin. He held it there as if he were about to shoot her before he started slowly grazing it down her neck, across her chest and breasts, down her stomach, and to her vulva. He slid the barrel between her pussy lips and she let out a moan. She lifted her head to try and get a look but he took the gun and held it up to her head with his finger on the trigger. "Ah ah ah," he said. "You know better." He opened his bedside table drawer and pulled out a black blindfold and tied it on her face so it covered her eyes. "That's better," he said as he trailed the gun back down to her pussy.

He teased her by rubbing the barrel between her wet labia and then ran it down her thighs all the way to her feet and back again. He repeated the process on her other leg before returning to her pussy. He made her yell out in shock when he suddenly shoved the gun inside her vagina. "This is what happens when you're a bad girl," he said, smiling devilishly. He started to fuck her quickly and deeply with the barrel until she begged him to stop. He pulled it out of her and whipped the gun to the floor. He hovered back over her on all fours and bent down to whisper in her ear, "How do you like it when I speed?" She smirked and gasped. His threats and authoritative power over her aroused her completely.

"Let me show you the right speed to go," he said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his massive cock. He crawled over her until his length met her parted lips. "Open," he demanded. She opened her mouth and he slid his cock in. He started thrusting as she sucked on his hard dick. Before he got close, he pulled it back out and moved back to align his hips with hers.

"You're gonna behave for me now, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes, Officer," she replied. He held his boner in his hand and led it into her opening before starting to slowly fuck her. He went so slow that she started begging for him to go faster, but he ignored her. He was teaching her a lesson about speeding and she was going to take it. He leaned back and grabbed her thighs and pulled her onto him now so that her body was making the movements. She cried out in pleasure and he groaned from how nice her wet pussy felt.

"Please, Officer. Make me cum," she gasped. "I can't take it."

"You think you deserve that?" he said, still pulling and pushing her hips against his length.

"No, but do it anyways," she said. He smirked and gave in. He moved so he was on all fours atop her body and began thrusting into her once again. She cried out screams of ecstasy and soon began to climax. Hop began cumming, too, and thrusted as hard as he could while he did. Afterward he collapsed on her naked, sweaty body and pulled her blindfold off. They shared a mischievous smile before he kissed her and uncuffed her from the bed. "Did you learn your lesson now?" he asked, smirking. She wrapped her limbs around his body to cuddle him. "Yes, Officer," she smiled.

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