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Setting: Hopper and Joyce had just finished a dinner date at a fancy restaurant in downtown NYC. The two were on vacation and had been a couple for six months. Each of them had a good amount to drink and were tipsy. Now they're on their way back in a taxi to a nice hotel.


Joyce: Damn. I'm really starting to feel that wine now

Hopper: *laughs* Yeah, I told you to take it easy babe. You know you're a lightweight

Joyce giggles and leans over so her head is resting against Hop's shoulder. The taxi pulls up to their hotel and Hop gets out first, holding the door open for Joyce and outstretching his hand to help her get out. The two walk up to their room and lock the door behind them. Once inside, Joyce playfully walks Hop toward their luxurious bed, decked with red silk sheets and black pillowcases. She uses as much of her force as possible to push him onto the bed.

Hopper: Wow you're being very pushy tonight

Joyce: Very funny. Now take off that suit

Hop does as instructed and starts by removing his tie followed by his suit coat and pants. Joyce straddles his lap to help him unbutton his shirt.

Hopper: Getting straight into it I see *chuckles*

Hop pulls her little black dress over her head and unhooks her bra. Each of them are now only wearing their underwear.

Joyce: Why waste time? I've been waiting all night for this

Hopper: I'm not complaining, I'm just surprised. Usually you're not the one to dominate

Joyce: *smirks* I wanna suck you off

Hopper: *raises his eyebrows* So direct. It's very sexy

Joyce kneels down to the ground and pulls Hop's boxers down with her. His dick is already hard and she grabs it with one hand and squeezes his balls with the other. She looks into his baby blue eyes with her big, brown doe-eyed gaze. She lowers her head onto his cock and starts sucking the head, still not breaking eye contact until Hop throws his head back to moan, leaning back on his palms.

Hopper: Jesus, you're good at that. Mmm

Joyce continues to lick and suck on his large cock. Her head makes its way lower down the shaft so she's practically deep-throating him. She puts her hands on his hips and pushes down hard.

Hopper: Holy fuck, I— I'm gonna cum baby

She keeps her lips pressed firmly around his length as she bobs her head up and down until she feels a warm liquid start to fill her throat. She slowly lifts her head off, mouth open and cum coating her tongue for Hop to see. She then closes her mouth and swallows discreetly, then reopens her mouth to reveal that it's gone. Hop stares at her with utter amazement, trying to slow his breathing back down to normal.

Hopper: You never cease to impress me, woman

Joyce: And you taste just so damn good

Joyce climbs up onto Hop now, still only in her lacy red panties, grinding her wet pussy on his dick.

Joyce: Now it's my turn to get some pleasure

She pushes him onto his back and continues to grind her hips on his and her wet panties massage the outline of his cock. She licks her lips. She's enjoying having the power this time.

Joyce: Scoot back onto the pillows

Hop once again follows instructions and Joyce pulls off her own underwear. Joyce crawls over to him and sits on top of his thighs.

Joyce: Hold your cock up. I want to sit on it

Hopper: Yes ma'am *he salutes her with one hand*

Joyce lowers herself onto his cock and moans.

Joyce: Yeah, just like that

She rides him slowly and then bends forward to pin his arms down with her own. She rocks her hips back and forth as they each make loud moans and cries.

Joyce: Don't cum until I do first. I'm using your cock to get myself off, got it?

Hopper: Yes, of course. Your wish is my demand, queen *smirks*

She sets into a slow rhythm and takes the full length of his cock in with each rock back. She feels the head of his penis hitting her cervix. She then takes his right hand and places it on her clitoris, instructing him to massage it. The two sensations combined bring her to climax and she picks up the pace, gripping his thighs with hers as she explodes on top of him. She stops for a minute to catch her breath, still sitting on him.

Hopper: Holy shit, Joyce. That was so fucking hot. May I cum now?

Joyce: Sure *smiles*

Joyce lays her naked chest on his and he grabs her hips to hold her in place. He bends his knees up and starts thrusting into her pussy while she lays on him. He can't help but scream out her name and moans fill her ears. He fucks her hard until he feels another warm load exit his cock and it fills her pussy up. Joyce collapses beside him and they cuddle and smile, both satisfied and tingling.

Joyce: That's how you take charge *winks*

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