Rated R

999 10 2

Setting: Hop and Joyce, who had been together for six months, were on a date at the movies. They were seeing a new thriller that just came out. They brought a blanket for them to share and sat in the very back row of the dark theatre. The movie is 30 minutes in and Hop had his arm around Joyce's shoulder and she was leaned into him, her arm around his waist.


Joyce's arm relaxes and falls onto Hop's lap. She looks up at Hop and he turns his head to meet her eyes. She smiles sweetly and her other arm gently massages his bicep. She gets distracted by how muscular his arm is.

Joyce: Have you been working out?

Hopper: Not particularly. Just whatever I have to do on the job. Why?

Joyce: You just seem stronger to me *she squeezes his bicep to explain what she means*

Hopper: Hmm. Interesting

A man in the row in front of the couple turns around and shushes them.

Hopper: You "shhhh" *flips him off*

Joyce: *looks at Hop and giggles* *whispering* What a jerk

Another ten minutes or so of the movie goes by and Joyce is still massaging Hop's arm as they watch the film. She glances at his face from the side of her vision, admiring his jawline and stubbly beard. She starts to feel frisky and jokingly glides her hand down from his bicep to the top of his jeans. Hop looks down at her hand and then back at the movie. Since that didn't seem to get his attention, she moves her hand so it's between his legs, cupping his groin.

Hopper: *looks at the outline of Joyce's arm under the blanket after feeling where her hand traveled and then makes eye contact with her* Whatcha doin?

Joyce: *shrugs* Oh nothing. Just watch the movie

Hop fixes his attention back to the film and Joyce continues to trace her hands around his body slowly enough so Hop thought it was just a loving massage. She rubs his thighs, his pants hugging them tightly. She swears he has gotten more muscular. Then she moves upward and discreetly unbuttons his jeans but he notices.

Hopper: *smirks at Joyce* Okay I don't think it's just nothing, hun. What are you planning to do?

Joyce: Your jeans are just so tight. I swear you've been working out

That same man turns back around in his seat and shushes them again but louder this time. Hopper leans forward in his seat to get closer to the guy.

Hopper: Hey jack ass, shush her again and I'll come down there and shut you up permanently

His eyes grew wide. Hop was much bigger in stature than him, even while relaxing in the movie lounge chairs and he was intimidated by Hop's threat. He turns back in his seat once again, shaking his head with annoyance.

Joyce: *whispering* It's so sexy when you get mad at assholes and defend me

Hopper: *whispering* I wouldn't say it's sexy, I'm just protective over you

Joyce: *whispering* Exactly my point *smiles proudly*

Now even more frisky after Hop defending her, Joyce continues her massage, this time taking advantage of the open button and sliding down his zipper to rub his clothed length. He isn't hard, but after a short while of gentle caressing, that changes.

Hopper: *whispering* Am I supposed to believe this isn't a sexual advance?

Joyce: *whispering* It's just a little massage. Besides, we have a blanket covering us and no one behind us

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