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Setting: It was Joyce and Hopper's 1 year anniversary. The two rented a cabin in the winter of 1988 in Northern Minnesota. They were huddled together under a blanket on the sofa by the wood furnace. Snow was falling outside the frosted windows and romantic music sang from the record player.


Hopper: Is there anything you want to do tonight?

Joyce: I might have something in mind

Hopper: Oh yeah? What's that?

Joyce smiles and starts to unbutton Hop's flannel while kissing his neck tenderly. Hop lets out a playful laugh.

Hopper: I had an idea that this was it *laughs*

Joyce: We have to stay warm somehow, right? *winks*

She continues to unbutton his shirt and takes it off him, rubbing her hands along his broad chest. Hop follows lead and pulls her sweater over her head and then unhooks her bra, tossing it aside. His eyes are met with her hard nipples.

Hopper: Either you must be really cold or really horny *licks his lips*

Joyce: Might be a mix of both *smiles flirtatiously*

Joyce straddles his lap and initiates a passionate kiss. Hop returns the gesture and glides his tongue into her mouth while his hands caress her breasts.

Joyce: Take me to bed, Hop

Hop stands up with Joyce still on top of him, picking her up and carrying her with him to their king sized bed. He plops her down and climbs between her legs, continuing the kiss.

Joyce: Let's try something different this time

Hopper: What do you mean?

Joyce: Well, since it's our anniversary, we should really know a lot about each other by now. So let's ask each other questions about ourselves, and if you get it wrong, you have to do whatever I say. And vice versa

Hopper: I like it. Okay, you start

Joyce: Alright. What's my favorite meal?

Hopper: Easy. Spaghetti

Joyce: Correct. Your turn

Hopper: Hmm. What's my biggest pet peeve?

Joyce: People talking to you in the morning

Hopper: *laughs* Got that right. This might be too easy

Joyce: Then let's step it up. How old was I when I lost my virginity?

Hopper: Oof, this is a hard one. Nineteen?

Joyce: Nope. Seventeen *bites lip* Okay, take off your pants and lay on your back

Hopper takes off his pants and boxers and lays back on the bed. Joyce bends down and starts to kiss his neck, slowly moving her kisses down to his chest and then to his stomach, eventually kissing around his thighs until his cock gets hard. She smirks and sits back up on the bed.

Hopper: I guess it's my turn then. What's my favorite sex position?

Joyce: I'd have to say you on top

Hopper: Be more specific

Joyce: You on top when I'm laying on my back?

Hopper: Wrong. You on your stomach. Okay, get fully naked and open your legs

Joyce raises her eyebrows, expecting him to dive right into sex. Instead, he gets on his knees and kisses her thighs and then her clit. Joyce lets a breathy moan escape her mouth when Hop starts to gently circle her clit with his tongue and suck. He pulls away as she starts making more noise to tease her, like she did with him. She lets out a sigh when he stops.

Joyce: Wow. Alright, what did I order on our first date?

Hopper: Uhhh chicken parmesan?

Joyce: Yeah, how did you remember?

Hopper: I think about that date all the time *smiles sweetly* Okay, how many fingers am I holding up behind my back? *holds up two fingers behind his back*

Joyce: What the hell? That's not fair *laughs*

Hopper: You didn't specify the rules

Joyce: *rolls eyes* Okay fine. One?

Hopper: *shows his two fingers that he was holding up* Wrong. Speaking of fingers, finger yourself

Joyce: *jaw drops* Noooo that's embarrassing

Hopper: No it's not, it's hot

Joyce: *sighs* If you insist

She lays on her back and spreads her legs open, facing Hop. She trails her hand from her stomach down to her vagina and inserts two of her fingers into herself. She moves them in and out of her wet pussy, moaning softly. Hop watches and plays with his cock while she pleases herself. After a couple minutes she stops and Hop groans, wishing she would continue.

Joyce: Happy?

Hopper: Very

Joyce: *licks her lips as she thinks* What was my first grade teacher's name?

Hopper: *squints at her* Oh that's just rude. We met in high school, how am I supposed to know that?

Joyce: If you wanna play dirty then I will too *smirks menacingly*

Hopper: *sighs* Touché. Mrs. Smith?

Joyce: Nope it's Anderson. Let's see... Okay, fuck me as slowly as you can

Hop bites his lip. The thought of it makes his cock twitch. He gets off the bed and stands up. He pulls Joyce by her thighs to the edge of the bed and flips her over on her stomach. He very slowly pushes his cock into her wet vagina. He gets into a tortuously slow rhythm and Joyce moans gently. He grabs her hips and continues this slow motion until he can't take it anymore.

Hopper: Please, Joyce. Let me fuck you. I need it so bad

Joyce: Just a little more like this

Hopper keeps thrusting slowly in her, scrunching his face from the agony. All he wants is to fuck her hard.

Hopper: Please, please, Joyce. This is torture

Joyce: *laughs lightly* Okay okay, fine. Go ahead

Hop sighs with relief. He begins fucking her fast and hard, holding her hips in place while she whimpers. She reaches her hand under herself and starts rubbing her clit. Hop grunts loudly from the gratifying sensation on his dick. They continue making each other feel good for five more minutes. He feels her pussy tighten around him and watches as her free hand grips the sheets and drags them toward her. Joyce lifts her hips up to allow his cock in deeper. She cries out loudly as she cums. Not wearing a condom, Hop gets close and pulls his dick out, jerking himself off and groaning loudly as his cum shoots onto her back. He pants and falls onto the bed beside her. Heart racing, she pulls him close and grabs his face to kiss him passionately.

Joyce: Holy fuck that was amazing

Hopper: *closes his eyes and smiles* Yes it was

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