Time Travels

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Time Travels can go to the past, future or/and stop time.

Some have a problem when they use their powers. They can have memory problems, can imagine things that aren't there, can get really sick, sleep problems, panic attacks, ect.

There are some who can only travel in the past or future or only stop time, others that can only 2 and some who can all. When 2 or more T.T. ( Time Travel/s ) meet they can use more powers, if the person/people they meet have different abilities. Just so you don't get this wrong they can go back in there time or let the time continue.

T.T. don't get affected by time stopping.

If a T.T that has problems with time traveling meets a Tsmpc( for people who fhogh, The six most powerful creatures) that is more powerful then them ( including T.T ) they can lose those effects or the effects are less effective.

( The other TSMPS helps the T.T. )

Story T.T:

Luke has a little memory problems but is not bad ( he will forget something that you just said to him, it doesn't matter what it is ex: names, events, tasks [ I have a real problem with names, so its inspired by... you get it]). He can travel in the future and stop time.

Karl has/will have memory problems like Canon. He can go in the future, past and stop time.


This is the first story I wrote with a script.

I'm soooooo sorry that I just got it out. This isn't edited my Kenny ( the editor) so it's still in my style.

I'm working on the next chapter. I'm sooooo sorry for the wait.

Anyway, I'm thinking that I wanna start a new series ( after this one ). Practically my life. If your thinking what is so interesting well: I'm forced into religion ( my parents don't know that I feel this way), maybe have trust issues, I wanna become a singer and my dad doesn't want be to become one ( he also loves music, I got that from him ), was replaced by my ex bestfriend, moved from the country I was born in at 4 and a half ( that kinda fucked my up ) sooo I think it will be kinda interesting.

Not worry, I don't hate myself or anything like that.

I think this is all.

Edited: Not even 1 minute and it already has 7 views, thank you sooo much. Also there is one more part out


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