chapter -17

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I called sejal as I saw how many missed calls she had .

"  Ridhima thankgod , are you alright ? Did you get to see Rhea ? Is she alright ?" She bombarded me with questions .

"I am fine , just a little hurt because of an accident and Rhea is well too she is resting . Vansh saved her and brought her to his house ."

I can feel her taking a breath of relief . I means she puts all she has into this family . I have to respect her commitment to us...

" What kind of accident ? " And that

Comes with lot of questions if her own , that I am unable to answer now

"Vansh had a lot for us , and I feel bad now pulling him into my mess.i wish there was a way to thank him

She turned  silent for a moment .

"There is why don't you do something special for that man? Perhaps  take him out on a date or something . Just you and him. I will watch after Rhea for a day ." She offered .

"I will think about it ." I heard a knock on the door and I looked up VR looking at me

"Dinner is ready . I will go and wake Rhea up ." I nodded and watched him walk away though he looked like he was in lots of pain . I feel bad now . He did so many things for us . And he even feed us. We are not his responsibility . We are not anything that should concern him but it does . For some reason , he was concerned with me and my daughter .

She is my little girl .

I remember that sentence from earlier . I remember what he said that he will protect her from everything . Never in my life , i have  a met a man so determined to protect someone not his own . It makes me wonder if her was ever been a father . What are the secrets.   he had been hiding ? Exactly who this man is ?  And more importantly why off all the people he might have protected why us ? What is do special about me and Rhea ? As far as I know , I am Rhea are average everyday citizens . Nothing can excite anyone about us.

I walked out to see he was on the table and Rhea over it .

"Come on little miss , last bite . I  know you like it , you want to grow strong as me,  don't you?". He was feeding her . I don't even remember when it was the last time , I did that  to Rhea . I am such a bad mother .look at them such perfection . Maybe he is right I need him to protect her form my bad protecting .

"That's my girl . Now, you are going to grow strong . And you are going to be like." .

She placed her head on his shoulder .

"I love you ,vansh . You wish you were daddy ."

My eyes watered hearing her say that  may be he could be her father . He is doing a better   job than me.. someone wiped  my tears ."

"Don't cry , you are not bad mother .you are trying to provide for her single handed Ridhima, you are very strong woman. I admire you for that .".

That sentence made me cry  more .

"I am not a strong woman . I am weak I was always weak. I resort to not fighting back . I have give the horrible scars to my little daughter all because. I was unable to protect her ."

I broke down in his arms

"I have sent those scars of yours and hers too. And little miss told me now he had given those to you . No more he will hurt you . You are safe here. You and her both .  And you can stay here as long as you like to. Now come , it is nothing fancy but I know how to cook for survival ." I smiled at that sentence ..

"I bet you do VR I bet you do .". I told him

He put  a hot bowl of soup infront of me. I noticed something inside his trophy case. So , i stood  up and decided to examine it.

"It was meant to kill me and take Rhea  away they were telling about punishing her . How can someone even think about something horrible ?"... He asked.

"He can , " I said looking out of the glass of the balcony

"Rhea's father is  not a very fatherly type . He can do anything to have that he wants to have . Now he wants to have Rhea . And with her in his possession , he will have me . You cannot blame him for wanting to have his family back can you ?"

I asked and he shook his head .

"That's is least  funny thing I have heard in a while now .

He pulled me close by touching my  waist and I hissed a little.

"That's looks pretty bad . I can help you heal it . If you let me . Will you let me heal you miss Ridhima .?"

He asked . Why does it feel like it is not just the present injuries he is asking about ? It feels like so much more .

"Where as are cannnot ."  I said his eyes  were intense .

"So , you doubt my abilities  ? I worked with the army medic and I  know  all about the pressure ponite of the body ." I shook my head .

"It's not about what. You do not know about me,."  I told him quitly.

",I will takes chance with you , mam ."

He said looking at me with his intense gaze

That made me wonder if my kind entertainment and his kind of entertainment  were probably not even the same . And that's what made me ask myself , what kind of things he does when he is not playing with bullets . He took my hand in his surprising me.. then he took me towards a room.  He took the key and opened it . It was like it was a secret he was sharing with me that needed to be kept under lock and key. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath he pushed open the door..


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