3 // The Forbidden Zone

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I helped Kie get back on the other side before they all reached in to pull me out. "Did you find anything?" B asks urgently after obssesivly asking if we were good. I pull out a small FedEx package that had 'For Bird' written across it and handed it to him with a smile. That was B's dad used to call him when he was small. Kie had found it hidden away in a crack in the wall, we almost missed it too.

"That's not gold." Pope groans disappointed but B smiles slightly.

"Holy shit. This is from my dad." He scoffs in disbelief.

The time for reminiscing and 'I told you sos' was cut short by headlights that showed up in the distance  but defiantly coming the way. "Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ warns. The four of us rush to hid on the other side of the cement building. "It's the guys who robbed your house!"

"Lights! turn off your lights!" I tell everyone after turning my own flashlight off I grab JJ by the face and turn off his head lamp since it was shinning directly in my eyes. John B was struggling trying to shove the lantern into his shirt but the light brightly shone through the thin material. "John B just turn it off!"

"I'm trying!" He snaps. One he did we try to quiet our breathing as they com closer.

"I see something!" One of the men yell. I could hear the leaves crunch under their feet as they approach us.

"Do you think it's them?" Kie asks.

"Homie's got a gun." JJ warns once again. "Should we bolt?"

"Screw this." I say making a break for the gate where the van was. The rest of them quickly follow. We throw all of our stuff over before jumping over ourselves.

"Hurry up!" JJ rushes Pope who is the last over as always.

"Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck." Pope cries for help. Of coarse he's stuck. Pope is seriously on of the least coordinated people I've ever come across. Its amazing how we haven't been caught.

"Shit!" Kie exclaims as she and B go back to help him. "Pope, come on!"

"Pope, don't move, okay?" JJ pulls out the gun and aims it at Pope, with the intension of shooting him free (I hope) but still I quickly stop him.

"Again with the gun. Really?" I scold taking it away and putting it in my own back pocket.

"You're gonna rip me. Wait. You're gonna rip me!" Pope complains. Kie and B don't listen as they continued to pull. They eventually got Pope down but his shorts remained on the fence.

"You're fine. Come on!"

Pope tries to go back for them (and his dignity) but he couldn't get them unstuck. "Pope just leave them!" I tell him. Once he realized everyone was in the van waiting for him he begrudgingly gave up.

"It's a little Tootsie Roll." JJ teased causing us all to laugh.

"Get in!" Kie laughed giving him a hand before sliding the door shut. "Stupid!" Once we were all settled B quickly drove off.
After little to no deliberation we decided that our trail was still way too hot to go back to the Château so we ended up ditching the van on the kooks side and taking the U.S.S. Pouge to JJ's house. Luckily he's dad was out and had no intentions of coming back tonight according to JJ.

As soon as we walked in JJ made his way to the kitchen while the rest of us sat around the table, we all wanted to be here when B opened the package. "JJ!" Kie calls for him to hurry up so we could start.

"Yup, yup, yup! Let's do it." JJ bites into his moldy sandwich that Pope warned him not to eat and immediately gags and spits it out before throwing it away and taking a seat.

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