Pope Was On The Math Team

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Me, Kiara, and Pope wait outside, watching as John B and JJ push their way through a very angry crowd to talk to the coast guard. Against their best efforts all they got was yelled at and a face full of hand.

"How did that go?" I laugh teasingly as they make their way back to us defeated.

"Pretty well actually." JJ shrugs.

"Yeah, sure." I scoff ruffling his hair "So, what's the plan?"

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat." B smirks waving the motel key that he found on the boat in our faces.

"We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone." Pope freaks, immediately stressed out as always. 

"I'm in." JJ says taking the keys and tossing them to me.

"Me too." I agree tossing them to Kie.

"Come on. We'll be lookout." She says making her way back to the boat and the rest of us follow her except Pope.

"Finder's fee. Just sayin'." John B reminds him. "And, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice." Pope smacks his lips and follows in pursuit.

"Come on, bubba." I say. With that we all hop back on and go looking for said motel.
The closer we got to the motel the worst it looked. It's old and looks sketchy. Most of the windows where either boarded up or barred off and the floor was covered with old mattresses. JJ whistles breaking the silence.

"I thought the Château looked bad."

"This place is a shitshow." John B comments.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kie asks

"You be the judge." Pope sighs.

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White would stay." I say getting more creeped out the closer we get.

"No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." Pope corrects bluntly. Wow thanks Pope. That makes me feel so much better. I just roll my eyes at him.

"This is your captain speaking." JJ says covering his mouth to sound like a radio. "HMS Pogue comin' in for landing." He jumps off and ties off the boat.

"We good?" John B asks him.

"Yeah, we good." JJ confirms finishing the last of it.

"All right. Here goes nothin'." B says getting ready to join him but pope stops him.

"Hey. Don't let him do anything stupid."

"Oh, we will." JJ smiles at the same time as John B answers,

"I'm not making promises."

"Yeah, I know." Pope sighs sitting back down. I get up from my seat and lean over the front of the boat so I'm face to face with JJ.

"Be serious please?" I beg him but he just shrugs me off and laughs at something John B said. "JJ." I lightly shove his shoulder to grab his attention and give him an "I mean it" stare.

"Ok fine. I'll be good." He promises.

"Let's go." John B cheers as he jumps of the boat and pats JJ on the back to follow. They both make their way up to the room leaving Kie, Pope, and I to entertain ourselves.
"Whats your biggest pet peeve?" Pope asks continuing our 20 questions game. We've only been playing for no longer than five minutes and I'm already bored with it.

"Umm..." I hum trying to think of the best possible answer. "People being loud for like, no reason what-so-ever" Pope nods understandably before turning to Kiara.

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