Diver Down

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I groan as I roll over in my bed once again. There was a pretty bad hurricane last night, Hurricane Agatha. She basically tore up what ever wasn't nailed down. Allan has had a whole team here since 6 in the morning cleaning up the mess, very loudly might I add. It's also hot as balls since she knocked the air conditioning out too.

I try closing my eyes one last time in hopes of getting a lick of sleep before I had to get up, but those hopes were crushed when I heard my door fly open revealing my sisters Stella and Bailey. They both make their way to my bed and lay on either side of me making it twice as hot in here.

"What do you Heathens want?" I groan staring up at my ceiling. I didn't need to look at them to tell that they were already up and ready for the day, which is once of the many things we don't have in common. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but I'm so not in the mood.

"It's hot down stairs." Stella huffs from beside me.

"And there's no service." Bailey continues.

"You guys, there was just a hurricane. Did you really think it was going to be any better in my room?" I ask finally deciding to get up and start the day. I dig around in my dresser to find a swimsuit and some clothes to go over.

"No but you always have some thing cool to teach us!" Bailey says as Stella excitedly nods beside her. "We thought you could teach us to fish."

"You know I love turning you two in to mini me's, almost as much as I love watching you dad's face when I do." I joke causing them both to giggle. "But I'm going fishing with Kie and my friends."

"But you always hang out with Kiara!" Stella complains rather dramatically.

"That's because she's my best friend and I promise her that we would hang out today." I try to explain but neither of them look very convinced. I sigh before walking over and kneeling by my bed so I'm eye to eye with the both of them. "Just like I'm promising you that when I get back I'll teach you anything you want, okay?" I hold a pinky out for each of them waiting for a response.

"Okay." Stella sighs wrapping her pinky around mine as Bailey does the same.

"Great. Now get out of my room so I can shower." The two of them sulk their way out of my room and I slam the door after them. I take my phone off the charger to check the time. It's barely 11 o'clock yet I'm still late. I'm supposed to meet Kiara at the wreck in an hour so the boys can pick us up at the dock by there.

After the worlds fastest shower I half-assed brushed through my tangles of curls and grabbed by backpack throwing in the bare minimales like my phone, wallet, etc. By the time I was fully ready it was 11:30. Great, as long as I don't run into any detours I'll have just enough time to make it to Kie's. I grab my skateboard and make my way down the stairs.

Of course by the time I get to the front door the one and only Allen was standing there waiting to bust me. Speaking of detours. "Where do you think your going Eliana?" He asks almost tauntingly.

"I'm going fishing with my friends. Mom already said yes." I say crossing my arms.

"Well me and your mother talked this morning and we agreed that this is a great opportunity for us to spend time together as a family." He says 'as a matter of factivly'. "So that means no one leaves." He holds his hand out for my skateboard.

"Are you serious?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him but he doesn't seem like he's going to budge. Ugh, i don't have time to argue with him. I sigh and reluctantly hand him the board. He smiles satisfied and begins to walk away.

"I look forward to getting to know you Eliana." He calls over his shoulder before turning the corner. Getting to know me my ass. There's no way in hell im staying here with no service, no air conditioning, and no way out. But he did remind me of something.

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