Bittersweet Temptations

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A/N: @alya17000 here's something to make you feel a little better! Hope you enjoy!

"You said something about c-coffee!", Nathalie suddenly exclaimed and jumped to her feet, pulling her hand out of his clasp and fleeing the situation to hurry towards the door, that led into the hallway, when she heard him speak, his voice deeper and more imperious than usual:

"Nathalie, wait!"

She stopped in her movements, the tone making her legs feel weak and her mind become submissive and docile. The completely overwhelmed and very confused woman slowly turned to face him, expecting him to still sit in his chair, but then she gasped, seeing him now right in front of her.

"I'm sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable!", Gabriel now whispered softly, coming very close to her ear, as he did.

She loved his smell, when he was so near, her body quickly reacting and she felt the urge to close the last space in between them and press her front strongly against his firm chest, maybe rubbing a little bit up and down, seeing how he would react....

That was, when she made a run for it, shouting back at him, as she entered the bathroom:

"I need to get that stuff off of me, I'll be right back!"

The designer let out a shaky breath.

"Just take your time, love!", he muttered unconsciously to himself, as he opened the door and entered the hallway, intending to go downstairs and make that coffee for her.

He returned with two mugs, when she just entered the large bedroom from the other side, a towel wrapped around her head, another around her middle, giving a subtle peek at the round of her breasts, while ending at her thighs, barely keeping her intimates covered.

She blushed, the moment she saw him, as she had heard him leave and thought he would be gone for longer.

"S-Sorry, I forgot to take fresh clothes with me! I'll hurry to....damn..."

She cussed, as she felt the towel slip and barely caught it before it fell. Holding it shut in the middle, she now had of course pulled the soft fabric together, so not only her bosom was showing more, but he knew, if he would lower his gaze just a tiny bit, he would be able to look directly at her mount of venus.

"Fuck!", Gabriel hissed, not intending for her to hear him, but her sudden jolt made him aware, that she did. He couldn't get rid of the question, which had just popped up in his mind.

How did she look 'there'? Was her hair long or short, trimmed or shaved, which colour would it have? Did it shimmer just as purple in the sunlight, as did her long hair, with the pink strand, which she usually wore in a tight bun?

The designer kept his eyes locked at the gap between her breasts, trying to think of anything else, than what he wanted to do right now, asking for her consent, to take that towel away and have a look.

He could barely breathe by now, being too scared, she would notice, how much the mere thought of looking at that particular spot, aroused him.

She was feeling it too. And she could now smell him from the other end of the room. Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply to calm herself, she had suddenly stopped and her eyes had widened, when she became aware of that.

With her voice trembling, Nathalie pleaded:

"Would you be so kind and take a shower too? I know, it sounds odd, but I can smell you from here and..."

"Sorry, I have been a little stressed!", he apologized, while sniffing his armpits and was about to turn around, when he heard her groan and stopped. "Nathalie, are you alright?"

She nodded, then gestured him to just place the coffee on the table.

"I didn't mean it like that!", she hummed seductively, wanting to slap herself at the very second.

"Oh....well.....I will go and take care of that issue very quickly, okay?", he suggested, only seeing her cheeks blush even more, while she seemed to struggle with her inner turmoil.

"You can as well do that here!", she gushed out, just as he reached for the handle of the door.

Gabriel froze, hearing her begging for him to stay. This wasn't a question, but the pure, subconscious need to keep him close.

"Oh God, I am so pathetic!", she ranted over herself, as she dropped to the floor and buried her face in her hands.

He could hardly control himself, when he saw the towel slip and rushed over to cover her again. Nathalie, now a little more in control of herself again, after feeling so embarrassed, sniffled and wiped her eyes, before she whispered:

"Thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me and you don't have to feel embarrassed. It's not your fault, Nathalie, it's mine! I should have never sent you there! Just come and get up from the ground! Here, I'll help you!"

A new wave of his scent washed over her, when she felt him grab around her through her armpits and hold on to her back, while pulling her to her feet, instantaneously both knew, that he had made a mistake with that.

She was hot! Literally! As if she was burning up. He could feel her heat through all his layers of clothes and couldn't completely restrain the very silent moan.

Her reaction came immediately, as her arms snaked around him, her hands delicately brushing into his styled hair, her body trying to push into his. He just let her for a moment, while he tried to find a last bit of self control somewhere inside of him and eventually he managed to make her sit down on the edge of her mattress.

He sounded an octave higher than he normally did, when he questioned her sternly:

"I think, now is the perfect moment, to tell me, what's your issue with finding your release is, love. Because this", he made a gesture between them, "is just the beginning!"

Seeing her eyes widen even more, he felt bad and quickly hugged her small figure.

"Don't!", she squeezed through gritted teeth, "you're only making it worse, when you're touching my bare skin!"

"So we're going to talk then?", he hummed, right now begging inside, that she would refuse and just take a hold of his hair again.

"You better go shower first!", she snarled at him, trying to keep herself lucid.

Gabriel gulped and nodded, then hummed:

"I'll go get fresh clothes, but I'll be back in the wink of an eye! And then, we really should have that talk! Please put some clothes on, my dear!"

He wasn't planning to and didn't think about it either, when he bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Nathalie sucked in the air audibly, as she felt his lips on her hot skin, making the spot not only heat up even more, but also start to throb with each of her quickening heartbeats. Before she could stop herself, the woman had turned her head and pressed her lips onto his, while she clang on to his neck, to pull herself to her feet with that.

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