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Gabriel jolted up from the bed, looking frantically around, wondering:

"When did I fall asleep? And where....Nathalie? Nathalie, are you in the bathroom?"

He listened for a moment, but nobody answered him, so he carefully peeked inside, to find it empty as well. Rushing into the hallway, he called her name in panic again, his primal urge to protect her and keep her for only himself making him already fear, that she had been so disappointed, after he pulled out in time, that she would be looking, somewhere outside the safety of the mansion, for another mate.

"Nathalie!" he now yelled into the echoing stairwell, hearing her answer come from downstairs and so he quickly rushed down there, calling out:

"Where are you?"

Her voice came from the kitchen and the moment he pushed the door open and entered, he started to grin lecherously. 

She was standing in front of the stove, steering some scrambled eggs, still completely naked, yet freshly showered, her wet hair still hanging in shimmering strands over her shoulders. 

"Good morning!", she cheered, "how was your sleep?"

He shook his head with a blissful smile and replied:

"I woke up a little unpleasantly, but I feel well rested. How was yours?"

"The most wonderful and restful sleep, I've had in a while!", Nathalie told him happily.

"You are aware, that you're completely naked, right?", the man now teasingly questioned, when she scoffed and mocked him:

"Well, have a look at yourself!"

He did and blushed deeply.

"Well, I....I was scared, because you weren't there and...and...", he inhaled deeply, "....don't mind, I just hurried to find you!"

"Don't mind what, Gabriel?", she pryed giving him an intense glare. 

"It's nothing. Just my imagination. I thought, you had left to find someone more....well, you know!", he mumbled.

"More? Oh, you mean, because you were so considerate to not fulfill the actual purpose of this liquid and get me pregnant? First of all, thank you for that and second, those forty eight hours aren't by far over yet, so we both will need a lot of strength, to fight this urge. What are you doing, by the way?", she had  noticed him staring at her body and all of a sudden felt self conscious.

Her blushing cheeks and her accusatory question didn't stop him from what he was doing  and so he kept looking her up and down, while he informed her:

"I am just enjoying the view, Nathalie. Maybe you have had your time, to check me out already, but I think, I have quite some things to catch up on, isn't that so? And before you get angry or sad or start to think, I am making fun of you, I am not. I just think you're a beautiful, sexy woman and I really love to look at you. And this isn't caused by any potion or hormonal outburst, it's the truth! I can prove that to you, if you want to!"

She giggled, as she turned off the stove and placed the eggs together with some baguette on two plates, setting them on the counter and hinted him to sit on the stool beside her, to have some breakfast.

"Bon appetit!", she whispered nervously, because he was so close now and they were still both naked.

"Thank you Nathalie, it looks delicious. Enjoy yours too!"

"What did you mean by, 'I can prove that to you', by the way?", she asked shyly.

Grinning he looked at her with a wink and said playfully:

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