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A/N: Here's a little Xmas gift for all of you!

"Don't be amused, it's just the news!", a visibly pale Nadja Chamack spoke enervatetly into her microphone. "After almost eight weeks, the mystery seems to come to a solution. People have been wondering, what could have caused the recent increase of pregnancies amongst Paris' women. Some of them even having given themselves to complete strangers, their agonizing urge to 'mate' and procreate out of any control. Luckily for now, no word has come to us about any violations during these approximately fourty-eight hours. Though for a long time, nobody could tell, how so many women could have come into contact with a certain liquid, an akumatized man had created and spilled, to make his wife, who was about to separate from him, come back and eventually fulfill her deepest desire, meaning having a child of their own, eventually the riddle has been solved.

Not only have we been informed, that even Ladybug, in her civil self, was affected, yet was lucky, that her partner managed to use some kind of protection, despite him being under control of his primal urges too. But our very own heroine was the one, who finally could fathom the cause for, according to latest countings, the impregnated 87 women being where they are now!"

She gazed down shortly, then focused back on the camera in front of her.

"Having been under the influence of said 'potion' as well, and suffering a little under the consequences, I now give the word to Ladybug and ChatNoir!"

With those words, she shoved the microphone into a red with black polka dots gloved hand and covered her mouth with her own, running out of the picture as fast as she could.

ChatNoir, who wore a headset with a transmitter, so he could move around freely, watched her with a compassionate smile, as she ran off.

"It seems, as if Nadja suffers from more than a bit of morning sickness. What about you, M'lady? How did you come into contact and what's even more important, why were so many females all of a sudden affected, despite said villain only hitting two woman, who stood right in front of him?", the young hero now questioned his partner, barely managing to not grin, as he of course already knew.

"Well, Kitty, after we had to duck, to 'not' get covered in this stuff, as you certainly remember, my lucky charm got destroyed by your cataclysm and therefor, I couldn't reverse the damage, which had already been done. Meaning, though Hawkmoth had already called his akuma back, the strange liquid was still everywhere on the pavement and the street. I called off my transformation in an empty sideway, but on my way back, I had a little accident, which I won't describe more specifically, to protect my identity, and though my skin contact was rather short and with only a small amount, I was affected by it too! Good thing, it was just that little of it or my boyfriend wouldn't have managed to keep so controlled!", Ladybug gushed out to hide her nervousness.

"Ooooh, boyfriend, LB? Do I know the lucky guy?", ChatNoir asked her teasingly, earning a very angry glare.

"Don't tempt your 'luck', Kittycat!", she gave back smugly, he is a very kind and relaxed guy, but I could still consider, to take you to the vet and have you neutered!"

He gulped and quietly apologized.

Now the red superheroine turned her attention back to the audience and started to explain:

"Well, to not leave you all in the dark any longer,  Chat and I have spend hours, watching all the material from every available surveillance and traffic camera in the contaminated area, until we eventually figured out the culprit!"

"Or rather, the culprits, as there were several! Not only had it rained very lightly that noon, turning the two large puddles, one on the sidewalk, the other in the middle of the street, into a small stream of thinned 'love juice'.....", Ladybug rolled her eyes to that, but this time, he ignored her and finished his report, "....but the cars and bikes and scooters and all the traffic kept driving through it and splattering it all over the passers-by. I am very certain, that there are a couple of female tourists, who are expecting too right now, just that they haven't been added to the numbers. Because, after seeing the video material, we can tell, that there were by far more ladies, walking through that unpleasant shower, than maybe a hundred!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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