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She had taken a quick shower and was now wearing some shorts instead of her pyjama pants as they had been soaked and she had just put them into the laundry basket.

Gabriel was sitting in one of the armchairs, giving her a curious stare.

"I'm sorry!", he muttered, as he watched her dry her hair, "I really wasn't planning on abusing the situation you're in like that, Nathalie!"

"What? You actually managed to get me back into a state, in which I can think about more than what would be the quickest way to seduce you! So, we're good! Maybe I should tell you a little more about my actual predicament!", she said sheepishly.

The man nodded, still feeling guilty that he had let himself go so far.

Nathalie took a deep breath, as she sat down in the other chair.

"You asked me, why I said it's going to be a problem, to, well, get myself to have an, you know, orgasm", she began, to be interrupted by the man, smirking at her, as he said:

"I wouldn't say, you had much of an issue earlier!"

She blushed, but held his gaze.

"Well, I wasn't trying on my own, right?", she sighed, then looked to the floor. "I said it's going to be a problem, because I once began to imagine my next 'perfect' relationship and...uhm... that was when I started to have certain feelings for someone, yet he loved another woman and so I might have created a Sentimonster back then, to do exactly, what you said would keep me mentally stable, find my release!"

"Well, my dear Nathalie, I can just tell you, that despite you, feeling embarrassed, I don't judge you, as there is nothing wrong with that. You just wanted to feel as if he was with you sometimes and like that, your wish was fulfilled without endangering the man's relationship. Does said man have a family?"

She nodded.

"He has a son!"

"See, by doing what you did, you kept his son from getting hurt. You really must stop thinking, that you aren't worthy of anyone's love. If there was a Sentimonster, who was able to give you just that, I am happy for you!", the designer scolded her, yet with a loving smile and a squeeze of her hand.

"If only it was that simple, Gabriel! At some point I had become so dependent on him, that I wasn't sure, if I could function again, if I released him from his existence. And well, as it turned out, after he was gone, I couldn't get myself there anymore! God, I am so pathetic. I even tried to hook up with two guys, I met in a bar, but they weren't even getting close! Isn't that a wonderful life? Not only longing to be loved, but also can't even have an orgasm anymore, when it's not with that one person!", she gushed out desperately, then buried her face in her hands, sobbing vigorously.

The concerned man quickly rushed over to sit on her armrest and pull her into a tight embrace.

"Shush, love, don't cry! You'll see, everything will turn out for the better. At least the things happening today were good for one thing, Nathalie. You were able to find release, right? Maybe it was because of that substance, you were hit with, but now you know, that you can't feel like this with only this particular man!", he soothed, kissing the top of her head very gently.

His words though only made her cry harder, leaving the man wondering, when he all of a sudden recalled a moment from less than half an hour ago, when she was straddling him, begging him to make her cum the way, only he could do. And then he eventually understood.

But what he couldn't quite capture was, that it didn't bother him, but rather the opposite, he very much liked that thought and he out of nowhere noticed, that he had been in love with her too for quite some time now, just his loyalty to his dead wife had been too strong for him to see.

"You still love that man, right?", he asked carefully.

She didn't answer but he could feel her tilt her head up and down and began to beam widely.

"What's his name? Maybe you could speak with him and find closure or make him see, what an amazing, beautiful and incredible woman you are!", he suggested, making her wince and look at him.

"I-I c-can't tell you his name!", she gasped, pouting at his smile, "do you like to see me hurting?"

"That's not what I am happy about, love. Allow me one more question. If this man would stand in front of you, asking you to forgive him, for not seeing you all this time and instead dwelling in the past, sulking in front of his dead wife's coffin. Would you believe him, when he told you, how stupid he had been, to not even notice, how he felt, until some unforeseen liquid forced them to eventually face the tension in between them and made him see, that he loved you with all his heart? Could you even get yourself to give him a chance to make up for his mistakes, after hurting you so very much?", he muttered excitedly, keeping his eyes locked with hers.

Nathalie's face paled instantly and she got to her feet and brought some distance between them.

"Stop that! I thought, taking a shower after being able to think again, would help for some time, but you're obviously starting to sense something again, because I can tell, that this is not you speaking, but rather your dick, trying to lure me into his seductive spiderweb!", she spat at her employer, who looked at her in shock.

"Nathalie, I would never..."

"Don't!", she yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she slowly began to walk backwards to get out of his reach.

He had stood up from the armrest and was following her and she was lucky, that he did, as she just a moment later tripped over one of her large trunks and would have hurt herself badly on the hard, wooden floor, if Gabriel hadn't caught her just in time.

Trembling he hugged her tightly, while he whispered into her ear:

"You haven't given me an answer yet, dear. I swear to you, it's not my dick talking, it's just me and I am asking you, to let me love you and eventually be able to forgive me and try to love me back!"

She sighed, looking deeply into his greyish-blue orbs, trying to figure out, if he was lying, then replied shyly:

"Tell me all those things again, when those forty eight hours are over. If you still feel this way then, damn it, how did you even figure it out?"

"You were saying things like the way only you can do, earlier, darling. So it was kinda obvious, even for someone like me! Let's just sit and talk calmly again. Or would you rather lay down and get some rest? How are you feeling right now, by the way?"

"Almost normal. A little itchy maybe, but I am also exhausted. Sleeping sounds utterly good! At least I won't notice any magically caused sexual urges, while I'm asleep!", she said cynically.

Grinning he responded:

"That's what you said. Come, just get comfortable! What's wrong, Nathalie?"

She groaned in annoyance, then shook her head.

"I can't believe that. I felt totally okay until you told me to get comfortable and out of nowhere, I feel the need, to tell you to stay with me! I'm sorry, just go, I'll get along!", she explained with once more reddened cheeks.

But the designer just began to grin mischievously and with a quick move he had picked her up bridal style and placed her on the mattress, lying next to her, pulling her back towards his chest and keeping her in a tied grip.

"I never even wanted to leave, dear!", he cooed and placed a gentle kiss on her temple.

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