Interlude Or How To Tame A Ladybug

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A/N: Because this is an Adrienette chapter, you're getting two at once today! Enjoy!

"Marinette? What's going on? You seem to be a little off today!", Adrien whispered, as he sat next to her on the chaise longue, both as usual snuggled into each other, trying to watch a movie together, but the teenage girl was squirming and fidgeting all of a sudden.

Now she shrugged, answering quietly:

"I don't know, I feel a little weird. When we took off into different directions this morning, after the akuma was released, I quickly detransformed, as there were still so many people everywhere and I didn't feel like answering a lot of question today. And then, all Marinette-like, I slipped in that strange fluid and fell right into it. That's why I was back in school so much later than you, I came home to change. Did you hear him say, what he was about to cause with this potion-like stuff?"

The young man had paled and was staring at her.

"Earth to Adrien! Hello Kitty! HEY YOU! BOYFRIEND!", she yelled and shook him, making him eventually react and stutter:

"Ma-Ma-Marinette! W-Why didn't you t-t-tell me? This stuf is b-b-bad, r-really bad!", he inhaled deeply, "how much of it did you get onto your skin?"

"I-I d-don't know! A lot! I m-mean, it's me! You should be used to my clumsiness by now and be aware, that I landed in the middle of the largest puddle!", she groaned, then buried her face in the crook of his neck in embarrassment.

Adrien tried to breathe very flatly, her closeness all of a sudden making him feel strange, when he heard her sniffle and look up into his green eyes.

"You still haven't told me about the fluid. What did it do to me?"

"I could hear him talk to himself shortly before Nathalie arrived at the hotel and this potion, it makes you remember that movie about the different mating rituals in animals around the globe? Well, uhm, if I got it right, I imagine it like a bitch in heat, making the male dogs go crazy from just her scent, while she tries to find the strongest and most potent male and get him to, well, mate with her. The stuff will also have the woman, who came into contact, ovulate after twenty four hours, to then worsen her state, until she eventually reached her goal. And one more thing, the only way, to keep her lucid, is to.....I can't say that, princess. And I shouldn't be here at all, if you really came into contact!", he informed her with a trembling voice.

Then he jumped to his feet and was about to grab his bag, telling her:

"I should go to Nino's, as my father had ordered! This is..."

He stopped, when he took a look at her face.

"Adrien, I can't be alone, if you're right about this. My parents aren't home and if you're correct, there would be nobody to hold me back, if I decided to find a male somewhere on the street, right? You know, that I have never done 'that'! What if I run into some pervert?", she rambled and the boy instantaneously felt guilty and scolded himself:

"Damn it, I am such an idiot. I should have thought about that. All I wanted, was to not be with you, so I wouldn't do anything, you are not ready for, just because we're both under the influence of some lunatic's idea on how to save his marriage. Of course I'll stay with you. The man said, it would take a couple of hours until it would be fully working!"

"Oh, really?", she wondered blushing deeply, as she did.

"Marinette? Are you alright?", he reached for her hand and pulled her closer, being hit by her new and mesmerizing scent immediately.

The girl had noticed the change in his demeanor and asked him now:

"Now you get, what I meant, right? Why are you grinning so dumbly? This isn't funny, Adrien!"

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