Ch. 14: Ghosts of the Past

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• Y/N •

Someone... get me out of here...

Someone let me out...


Please, please, please let me out...

I don't wanna be here anymore...

Just let me out...



I continue screaming as I feel my hands being bound, my back being pushed against a flat board, and my surrounding suddenly turning white and livid.

Where are they taking me? Who are they? What are they doing to me? What are they going to do to me? I have to get out of here!

I scream again, as I feel my surroundings shaking. Somethinh falls onto my head and I hear noises around, but I can't make anything of it. And my screaming only subsides to loud sobbing as I continue on in this state.

Get me out of here, please...


I start shouting, as if, somehow, that would make things better. But the fact that nothing seems to change only makes me panic even more, making me shout again with a newfound fear.


What are they doing to me? Where are they taking me? Did I really do too much, this time? I swear, I didn't do anything... I swear!


"Get the sedative!"

Wait, what? ... What?!

Suddenly, a new bright flash of light washes over me, and my surroundings become clear. The familiar white walls, all the people dressed in white, and my hands and feet tied down to the stretcher as I lay in in the middle of the room. And there, stood the nurse that attends to me and a doctor beside her, holding a needle.

"No, stop, please!" With my eyes already long wet from all those tears, I lift myself up as high as I could despite my restraints. I beg, crying, trying to connect to the nurse as I meet her eyes. "Please! Please don't let them do this to me, I beg you! Please!"

Her eyes widen as I speak, and just as the doctor stands beside me with the needle, she comes forward and grabs his arm, stopping him. He turns to her, and she speaks. And though I barely heard it, I knew...

I only lay back down on the stretcher, sobbing continuously as my restraints are slowly removed...


The almost empty room's white walls did nothing to help with the dark surroundings. All the lights have been turned off. Even the curtains have been drawn, preventing any light from outside to enter.

Meanwhile, I sat on my bed, facing away from the window as I hugged my legs. Not a sound had come out of me for a while now, and I don't think I ever will...

Well, at least, I thought that. That's until I was made aware again of Changmin's presence in our shared room.

I hear him shifting on his bed. And upon turning towards that direction, I see a faint shadow sitting up. I took it as enough evidence that he's awake.

"Hey..." My voice is dry as I call out to him in that dark silence. "Will you really stay...?"

Seconds pass, a moment, a minute, a few more. The silence stretches on, and I begin to think I might have been mistaken.

"Guess you're asleep," I mumble as I shift in my own bed. But then I hear a voice from that side of the room:

"What do you mean?"

I pause. Then I look towards the source of that sound once again. "... What?"

"About me staying?" That's Changmin's voice alright. It just seems... almost dry? Must have been because he just woke up.

"You said you'd 'stick around' if I danced with you. So?... Will you really?" I felt uncertain as I said those words. Of course, they were really silly words to begin with. Why would I even care if he stayed or not. I smirk sarcastically, but that soon quickly disappears when a small idea enters my thoughts... "Hey... So you lied to me when you said that?" My tone suddenly shifts into a darker one, and suddenly, I don't even know why it did.

"What? No!" Changmin was quick to reply, and his voice suddenly becomes clear and steady, all that dryness disappearing as he spoke. "What are you talking about? Why would I lie to you?" He sounds so defensive, too. And for some reason, that make me feels better...

What is this feeling? I feel like I've felt it before but I can't pinpoint when, where, or why...

"Hey..." I speak again, after a while, and this time, I finally lie back down on my bed, my head soon dropping onto my pillow, "You already said that. That means you can't take it back, right?" My eyes stay open, waiting for his reply. Somehow, I'm suddenly scared that he would disappear if I closed them and he didn't give me any sort of approval.

Until, finally, he replies. "... Yes. Don't worry. I'm staying here so you don't have to worry."

I sigh. And my eyes finally close. There's the approval I was looking for.

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