Ch. 9: She Must Hate Me

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• Changmin •

She is despicable.

I don't even know how I could have ever thought of trying to understand her.

She must hate me.

Why would she do something that would put me in danger? Did she really not like the idea of having a roommate? Then why get me involved?

Still, as I looked at her, and those red marks on her arms while she faced away from me, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her...

How long has she been punished like that?

The door to the room opens, and I turn to it to see my nurse entering. She seems to be empty-handed, though, so I wonder what she came here for.

She smiles as she looks at me. "Hello again, Changmin. Would you like to go around and have a walk? I'm sure it'll do you good to have a little stretch every once in a while."

I look to her, and then glance towards Y/N.

She probably just wants to get me away from Y/N for now. Especially after... what happened.

I turn back to my nurse then nod. And she smiles and nods back in return.


I never really thought of how big the hospital could be. But maybe I was just too preoccupied about what's going to happen to me ever since I was brought here.

I guess this really is sort of a big establishment. Especially for a mental institute. I didn't think Korea would even have a building like this that's this big.

Somehow, at some point in time, I made it to the rehabilitation center. And I'm rather surprised to see how busy it is here.

So many different people of different ages.

If anything, I was most surprised that there were children here. They seemed happy as I watched them, and I wonder if that was just them being completely clueless or if they were just living in this little moment they have.

Then I thought of something.

A toy car came rolling in my direction. It hit my foot, and as I looked down at it, I thought of my childhood.

I grew up a normal child. So how did I come to this?

I remember thinking that. But then, they said I got it from my father. A man I almost never saw in my entire life. Is that why? Had he been brought to a place like this, too? Abandoned and completely forgotten? I wondered for a while if that's what would happen to me, too.

It seems like it, though.

A child soon comes along, and he picks up the toy car at my feet. But then he looks up at me, and our eyes meet. There, all I saw was innocence. And it became clear to me why all the children here were smiling so brightly.

They must be completely unaware of the kind of place they are in.

He smiles at me, and I return a small smile, so as not to make him feel bad. He soon runs off to where he came from and I just watch him go... before my attention is quickly diverted to a commotion nearby.


Suddenly, I hear the sound of a child crying from across the room, and my eyes search for the source. It didn't take me long, however, because soon another voice would follow. And that voice would soon prove to be the reason for the child's crying.

"Stupid child. That's because all you ever do is play!"

I find the source of the voice, but once I do, my eyes widen upon discovering who it belongs to.

That woman... she looks just like Y/N! ... But older?

"Uhmm," I grab my nurse's attention before she even gets to leave to assist the child, and she turns to me. "That woman... Is that..."

She follows my finger as I point, and upon seeing the woman, a frown seems to form on her face before she looks at me. I know, just from that look she gave me, that she knows exactly what I want to know about. "... That woman is exactly who you think she is... That's your roommate Y/N's mother."

At her words, I let go of her sleeve, and I only watch as a few other nurses approach the woman, the latter refusing to cooperate and seemingly insisting that what she did was right. That is, hitting a child for playing.

One of the nurses tries to grab her arm, but as soon as that happens, the woman flings her arm and screams.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!! ALL OF YOU, BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES! YOU BROUGHT ME HERE TO TORTURE ME DIDN'T YOU?!" The woman screams, and the noise she makes startles many of the children around. Some of them begin crying as nurses begin to accompany them out of the room.

And yet, the woman continues screaming. Profanities and absurd accusations that were pointed at everyone but her.

I only remained where I was. I was shocked, definitely, but looking at the woman and seeing how she reacts to being disciplined...

"That's your roommate Y/N's mother."

"Ugh, what's it to you, anyway? It's all in the past, and if you're so mad about it, then maybe you shouldn't have left your meds out in the open."

"SHUT! UP! If you were going to do this, then why didn't you just do it earlier?!"

It seems... me and my roommate ended up as we are due to similar circumstances.

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