Ch. 3: The Monster That Haunts Me

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• Changmin •

"Please... please, stop... Stop..."

My breathing is heavy, my heart races, and yet I'm slumped against a concrete wall, unable to get up and escape.

It's coming for me. It's coming. Why did I have to follow what that woman said and go out to the forest when it's dark. She clearly did it to get rid of me. I know she hates me, but to send off someone to die? She must be a spawn of the devil!

I hear a roar, and I whimper and jump in my place before I push myself harder against the wall.

No... It shouldn't see me. Even if I'm cornered, it shouldn't see me, at all. Otherwise, I might just die today.

Curse that evil woman! She should die for bringing me here! Curse the monster that keeps chasing me! What does it want? Why me? Why me?!

"Changmin!" It roars, and I let out a scream as I hold my arms infront of my face to protect me. But it doesn't happen.

In fact, none of that did happen.

And I'm reminded once again when, instead of the monster, I see my nurse running towards me and calling my name. Panic had been written all over her face when I saw her, but as soon as she sees me, her expression turns into that of relief.

"Changmin! Thank goodness, I found you!" she exclaims as she runs to me. She stops, however, when she notices my frantic state and my heavy breathing, and a slight frown forms on her face. "Are you alright? My gosh, you must have missed your medications for noontime! Why did you have to leave your room without an escort? Did you get lost?"

She helps me up, and as I look around, I'm further reminded of what happened.

I had decided to go out for a while in respect for my new roommate, but since I never really went out of my room since I've been admitted here, I got lost, way too quickly. I missed my lunch, too, and along with that, my scheduled medications. The hallucinations then started coming just as it was getting dark.

And the next thing I know, I was being chased.

"W-where are we...?" I ask my nurse as my mind had finally settled. Still, I was shaking as I held onto her, fearing that the monster might still come back since I haven't even taken my medications yet.

She supports me by holding my hand, then she begins leading me... back to the building, I suppose. "You need to return as soon as possible so we can get you to take your meds. Oh, dear, this is all my fault. I should have just volunteered to give your lunch so I would have checked on you, too." She continued talking, but I stayed quiet. My mind was still going different places as we walked.

After a while, her voice turned soft like mumbling, and I barely heard it anymore as I felt my head thumping against itself.


I should have known better.

I really should have known better when it came to my roommate.

She said it herself: She's a psychopath. So why did I let my guard down around her?

As soon as I entered my room once again with my nurse, confusion and surprise took over me as I saw my roommate turn to us then point her finger at my nurse.

"It was her. She did it."

That was all she said, and the next thing I know, her nurse is coming towards mine and slapping her in the face.

My eyes widen as my nurse loses her grip on me and stumbles back. Instinctively, I move back, but once what had happened hits me, I turn to my roommate's nurse in shock.

"How could you yell at a patient like that?!" she suddenly scolds my nurse, and my brows furrow at what she had said.

"Yell"? "At a patient"?

My thoughts clash and form together, but as soon as a clear idea forms, I frown, and I turn my attention towards my roommate, watching the whole situation while she sat on her bed.

And I swear I could have seen a sinister smile playing on her lips.

"W-what do you mean? Who did I yell at?" my nurse asks, her eyes open wide and bewildered as she looked back towards the other nurse, her hand covering her cheek.

"My patient, Saeri. Whatever did she even do to you for you to do something like that? And you're a nurse for goodness' sake! You should have patience for your clients!"

"I told you, I didn't do anything!"

And it was then at that moment, that I felt my fear returning to me again.

And it wasn't because I was having another hallucination. This one was real. I felt it as I looked towards my roommate.

She was fully smiling now, watching as the two nurses fought infront of us. She was amused, and what seemed to amuse her was the discord happening infront of her.

She smiled, and I felt a chill run down my spine as I watched her do so. And then...


I hear another slap, before I see her nurse staggering to the ground. And it was then that they finally seemed to realize just what they had been manipulated into doing.

My roommate suddenly starts laughing, and they stop and turn to her with wide eyes.

I think I now know what a psychopath is. No, in fact... I remembered it.

... Had I just been roomed with a monster?

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