Chapter 9 New home

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"Enough with that, now I want something."

"Well I can't say we can give you in return."

"It's very simple. Around 4 years ago, my master had a Nomu. And not just a regular one, you see?"

"Oh? And you want us to find it?"

"I'm not done... The Nomu's name is Y/N and it's out of our control. If you manage to find, and capture it. Then I'll put the entire league under your command. That is IF you find it."

You've seen many weird people before in your life. One guy that looks like pinocchio, another guy having extended fingers. But these three are the weirdest students you ever saw. The first guy just completely being weird. At first he stared intensely at you all, and the next second he just...wants to go home?

The second student was the girl, at first she was acting totally normal. But then started asking everyone questions.

"Hey Y/N!" she called out. "Is it true that you're 11 years old?! Whats your quirk? Are you homeless? Are you living at UA now? Did you saved the fruit store a few days back?! How many years have you been living on the streets?"

"Hmm. No, webs, yes, yes, yes, 4 years."

The blond boy finally came up and then said.





"Gonna be what?"

"Grim! Thats what you were supposed to say! Well! My call and response didn't work!" He then just laughed at himself.

You thought adults, grown ups and older people were more responsible and mature than you. These three were the other way around. They didn't even say anything about work studies, speaking of which what is even work studies?

You turned around to the green haired boy behind you. "Hey. Midoriya right?"

"Oh? Yeah thats me." He pointed at himself.

"Is everyone at UA this weird?"

He jumped "What?! Nonono, it's not like that."

"I'm see that a lot of you are confused" The blond hair continued. "You got three third years showing up out of nowhere. Here to talk about the work studies that you don't even have to do. Doesn't make sense at all huh?." He puts his hands on his chin. "You all just got your provisional licences as first years, right?"

You put your hand in the air. "Sorry, but I just came here. I didn't get mine yet."

The Nomu (Child Reader x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now