Chapter 26 Emergency Drill (Part 3)

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"Like always, you can give up." You bluffed. "But that means you'll fail the drill."

"Everybody stay alert!" Midoriya shouted. "Y/N has multiple quirks at her disposal. If we can understand what they are, we might have a slight advantage."

"Well we already know she can fire webs." Uraraka informed everyone. "And from what I can see, she can create multiple objects to her body and shapeshift."

"We'll take care of the two villains." Ida said while loading Hado and Amajiki into the cart that Momo created before. Froppy, Mineta and Ojiro joined him. "We'll be back as soon as possible!" And with that, they were gone with dust on their trails.

"We have her outnumbered." Kirishima explained. "It's 1 against of us in all directions."

"Indeed." You commented. Both of your hands turned into katana blades.




"I like those odds."

You instantly flew towards Shoto in the thought of getting rid of him first, due to the scale of his attacks. But he stopped you with a wall of ice. You flew over it and down at him. Only to be stopped by a tape to your leg.

"Gotcha!" Sero pulled you towards the ground. You cut the tape off and headed straight towards Shoto again who intercepted your path with another small wall.

"Why is she after me?!" Shoto summoned another wall of ice.

"IDIOT, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!!" Bakugo launches at you in the air. You put away the blade on your left hand and open up your palm to shoot a giant capture web. But he grabbed your arm before you could even fire. 

"You think I'm weak, brat?!"

"Yes I do!" You kicked him straight to the floor with tremendous force.

Acid shot just next to you. Looking over your shoulder, you see Mina floating with Sero's tape attached to her, flying above your height.

"Team rainy day is on the scene!" Mina shouted as she started shooting acid into the air at you.

Some of the acid landed on your wings as you flew to the building and clinged on it. Groaning in pain as the acid slowly drips away from it.

"Curse the individual born with a liquid quirk!" You joked. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything! It's just that this hurts more than painless water!"


You noticed Midoriya shooting air blasts at you, in which you evade his attacks whilst running on the wall. Suddenly a laser blast was shot just in your path. Aoyama was assisting Midoriya in trying to shoot you down.

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