Chapter 54 Attack of the Phantoms

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Short Chapter so I may release the next one in a few hours or so. Can't say I would.

It was a nice cool morning in Japan. Most people often mind about their day, going to work, school, whatever their role is. The hospital is always a busy place, everyone needs medical treatment and recovery. This hospital actually has treatments for quirks, made by the one and only Dr Kyudai Garaki.

The Doctor was walking down the halls to meet his patients this morning, humming a small tune whilst doing so.

"You sure seemed happy, Doctor." One of the Nurses said. She seemed to have a mutant quirk that gave her a ginger cat-like appearance. "Good morning!"

The Doctor laughs. "And to you!"

Dr Garaki is quirkless, the founder of Jaku General Hospital and its current chairman of the board. He created the idea of Quirk-based community medical care and started doing philanthropic work soon after opening the hospital

Philanthropic: Seeking to promote the welfare of others.

That meant building orphanages and nursing homes throughout the country, as well as partnering with private hospitals and clinics.

On the surface, the Doctor comes across as a kind man. He's respected and even admired.

But in reality...


"So this is the monster..." Said Rocklock. "A true villain, All For One's most trusted agent."

A whole group of heroes and police officers were gathered together in a meeting room, and a picture of the Doctor is shown on screen.

"Right." Mandalay said. "And he's the mad scientist who bioengineered those Nomu abominations."

"How are you so sure that he's the one to blame?" Asked Endeavour.

"I've sent someone undercover after receiving intel from the safety commission." Explained the Detective. "He found a restricted area within the hospital. None of the staff knew its purpose. This off-limits area has one entrance: through the morgue. Garaki is the only person who ever comes and goes. If you need more evidence..."

A photo appeared on the screen that showed the Doctor in a section of the hospital. There was an open passage where he walked through to be greeted with a small creature. Upon zooming in...

"Is that a tiny Nomu?!!" Pixie-Bob shrieked. How did the Doctor create these ones? Did he use an animal? Or worse, did he use a baby?! No wonder you hate him, he's the true definition of a maniac himself!

"It would be easy to arrest the Doctor since he's a public figure." The Detective continued. "But if we act rashly, the Paranormal Liberation Front will enact countermeasures. The last thing we want is a repeat of the widespread devastation of Hosu or Camino. Those events traumatized the public and we lost too many good people on our side. Sure, we were able to apprehend All For One, but it was at the cost of our number one. All Might was forced to retire."

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