One Shot - Training Camp

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This has no relevant plot to the main story. Think of it as 'What if Y/N was discovered a few years earlier?'

Here's what would have happened...

Training Camp Day 1

5:20 PM

It was late in the afternoon as Midoriya and his classmates walked out of the forest after almost a full day of fighting rock-like monsters. They were tired, sweaty, hungry, a few had small injuries, scratches, and were all out of breath, but at least they were alive. (For now...)

"I thought you said it would be like, 3 hours..." said Sato, as he fell to the ground.

"I guess we're based on how long it'll take us." said Mandalay with a shrug, "Sorry."

Pixie-Bob said that she thought it would have taken them a lot longer for them to get there, but that she underestimated them quite a bit. They were able to deal with the rock monsters much better than anticipated. She then pointed to Ida, Todoroki, Bakugo and Midoriya, saying that the four stand out to the rest.

"Um..." Midoriya pointed at a small boy wearing a red hat with two gold-coloured horns on the top. "Who is that kid?"

"Oh?" Mandalay turned to the boy, "This little guy? He's actually my cousin, Kota. He lives with us here. Don't be shy now, say 'hi' Kota." The boy did nothing, nor a change in expression. Instead, he continued to stare at the class with disapprovement in his eyes.

Aizawa looked around for something...or rather, someone.

"Mandalay, where's Y/N?" He asked, turning his head towards her. "She's supposed to be here by now."

"She doesn't like waiting." She chuckled, "You know her, she's your daughter, right?"

'Mr Aizawa has a daughter?!' The whole class mentally screamed.

Aizawa groaned, "That girl doesn't have the right patience, doesn't she?"

"She spent all day planning." Pixie-Bob stated, "You should be proud of her, she'll make a good teacher."

"Wait, hold on, Mr Aizawa." Sero said, "I didn't know you had a daughter."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!!" Hagakure screamed.

"It's irrational." He turned to the class. "And besides, she's a force to be reckoned with." Aizawa said with a smile. "She's tough, determined, and a bit of a rebellious teenager. Expect nothing less from her."


A second after Aizawa finished his sentence, something came crashing down from the sky and landed beside him, creating a small cloud of dust. As the smoke cleared, the class saw a small girl with bladed-skeletal wings, wearing a black visor over her face displaying a yellow X across it. The girl had sharp claws, and a devilish smile across her face.

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