Chapter 72 Oboro Shirakumo

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In the end, you never managed to go to do training with your friends. Instead, you were travelling in a black car with one way mirrors. 2 police officers were sitting right next to you, both in high gear and helmets with glass you couldn't see through. You tried to think as if they were your personal bodyguards, but it's hard not to notice that both guns were facing your direction, just in case you tried to do something.

If anything, this makes you hate the new restrictions more. At least you weren't cuffed.

"Um," You looked to the guard on your left, "You know bullets won't do anything to me, right?"

"Really?" He said in astonishment.

"I'm a Nomu, what did you expect?"

"Hold on," The other officer looks at his gun, "Then why did they give us these?"

"I dunno," You shrugged. "If anything, I could suddenly morph my hands into auto fire guns and go berserk but," You held up your wrist that had the bracelet. "You know."

Surprisingly, the officers were quite chill with you for the rest of the ride. It's either that or they're putting up an act because you're smelling sweat coming out of their skins because you could kill them right there.


The car eventually came to a stop, the officer stepped out of the car, allowing you to follow. Once you stepped your shoes on the pavement, you looked up in front of you, to a giant building, several storeys high.

Another car pulled up behind your ride, Aizawa and Detective Tsukauchi stepped out.

"Welcome to the Central Hospital of Japan." said Aizawa, looking up at the massive building.

"I assume that this 'Kurogiri' person is in there?" You questioned.

"Yes," Detective Tsukauchi walked past the police barrier and into the building, you and Aizawa with 2 guards following behind. "I know I'm not telling you anything new, but Nomus are bioengineered human corpses made to withstand multiple quirks, they are created to follow commands when given by a specific individual. But they're not human beings."

"They're puppets," You said, "And I'm the only one that does the complete opposite."

"Correct, nothing but complete messes, everything from their head to toes. That was the case until," The elevator opened, and all of you stepped in, "One of the other Nomus that we collected seemed to respond differently when Eraserhead and Present Mic reached out to him.

"Kurogiri used to be a second year UA student named Oboro Shirakumo, and a former friend of Mr Aizawa."

'Friend?' You thought, 'But that means...' You looked up at Aizawa, who showed no reaction or expression after hearing the name.

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