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Damon sighs, pinning her against the wall.

He runs his index finger down her throat, noticing the change in her breathing. "You want to be a brat darling?" He lifts her chin.

Channel's breath hitches in her throat when he leans in. "I will play with you all night." He chuckles running his thumb over her bottom lip. "Like my little toy," he hums holding her tight as she squirms under him.

Channel can't fathom how much power he has over her. His words, and his touch makes her skin crawl with need.

He always sent her on edge with his demanding presence. Her panties flooded with her arousal as he kept her pinned against the wall.

"And then I'll fuck like one," he growls in her ear, pulling a whimper from her lips.

Damon pulls her wrist above her head, cuffing them to the wall. "Damon?" She says softly pulling at her restraints.

"Shh. If you don't keep that pretty little mouth shut I will gag you. Is that clear my love?" He says.



He pressed his hand against the wall, dragging the other up and down her inner thighs. "Do everything I say sub, or I'll just add to your little list of punishments."

He kissed her jaw as he pressed his body against hers. Demon cups her butt, kneading it in his palm. "Such a pretty little sub." He smacks her ass making her flinch.

He spanks her other cheek harder making her moan. "Is this making you wet?" She nods to him.

Damon spanks her harder, the sting growing.

"Use your words" he scolds her. As good as a sub she is, Channel loved trying his patients.

"Yes daddy."

"Mmm, such a naughty girl."

"Fuck," she groans as he spanks her again.

"Give me a kiss baby."

She lifts her face, connecting there lips. She always melts into his kisses. His lips always feels so good against hers.

He runs his tongue over her bottom lip. When she doesn't part them he slides his hand up to pinch her nipple making her gasp. Damon the pushes his tongue against hers.

"This will be a long punishment if you keep that up." He taps his index finger against her lips.

He steps back getting a good look at her. Arms up and restrained to the wall.

She's completely bare for him. He smirks seeing the slickness between her thighs. He finds it hard to maintain his self control when it came to her.

It had never been so hard before. He wanted to take her right then so badly. But his baby girl needed to be taught a lesson before she received any form of a reward.

"Look at you, all ready for me. Mmm. So good and perfect." He takes the flogger from the wall and runs it down her body.

Channel shivers at the light contact and let's out a breath.

"Safe word princess, let's daddy hear it."


"Good girl." He doesn't warn her before the flogger comes in contact with her skin lightly.

"I love hearing your little whimpers." He flogs her again a bit harder. She sucks in a deep breath pulling at the cuffs.

She knows he'd go all night if he had to.

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