Chapter 12

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"Do you aren't going to tell me more?"

"No." Grace groans wanting to know what all happened. She's ecstatic that her friend got the man she wanted.

"I'm packing a bag for a few nights is all you need to know." She plops into Channel's bed watching her pack a bag.

She feels a few nights will eventually lead to her moving in. "It'll be boring here when you move out." Channel hides her smile shrugging off the comment.

"You'll be fine." Grace follows her to the front door. "Bye, make sure you lock up too." Channel waves as she gets into her car.

Grace locks the door heading to Channel's room, she drops her wallet into the draw before walking back to her own room where she lays on top of El.

"You want breakfast sweetie?"

"Yes please."

Damon opens the car door giving her a kiss when she gets out.

"You had trouble getting her?"

"Just a little, I made a few wrong turns." He takes her bag and grabs her hand as they walk inside.

"Why do you life so far out."

"It's peaceful, and came with lots of extra land."

He sets her bag on the bed sitting down as he pulls her into his lap.

"Do you have any rules for me?"

"Don't pleasure yourself, obviously, come see me when you need it."

"Okay, am I allowed to sleep in here?"


"Also, I give you consent to use me how you please."

"I plan on it angle." She smiles at his words.

"And I want you naked when you're here."

Channel smiles pulling off her sweater.

She stands up to slide off her shoes followed by her jeans. Damon looks over her body for a moment, eyes falling to her heat.

"Carry yourself the way you want, I'll fuck you either way." He brushes his knuckles over her waxed mound kissing over her stomach lightly.

Enlightened by his words she sits next to him. "Do you want to wear my collar angle?" She nods to him an he grabs her chin.

"Say it for me."

"Yes I want to wear your collar."

Damon grabs the furnished wooden box off the nightstand and hands it to her. "Perfect, because I brought this one for you."

Happily, Channel opens it, gasping when she sees how pretty it looks. A deep red ribbon and lace stitched neatly around the perimeter with a bow in the middle. A charm and a small bell dangles from the ring.

"It's so pretty I love it, thank you." She gives him a kiss.

"Your welcome baby." He clips the collar around her neck kissing her nipple after.

"Have you eaten today?"

"Not since this morning."

"Then I'll make you something." He interlocks their hands and they walk into the kitchen.

❦ ❦

Grace watches Channel lay in her own bed. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was amazing." She hums.

"Clearly, you've got more glow than usual."

Channel wraps her hair in a scarf and gets up. "I'm going to shower, and then we can watch a movie if you want."

"Yeah, sure." She nods and goes into the bathroom.

The wooden box on the dresser catches her attention, she opens it curiously, smiling at the collar inside. "Cute." She mumbles, closing it and heading into her room.

If felt good to finally be back at work, to have things feel normal again. She met with plenty clients before her break.

Channel orders her food from the deli, on her way back to her seat her phone rings.


"Channel it's Grace can you come over really quick, I think I broke the sink again." She sighs putting her food away.

"Okay I'll be on my way."

"Thank you."

At the agency James flips through the tapes along with Damon, trying to fill out their reports.

As he's watching he sees a familiar face.

The person looks around before sneaking into Channel's office, this happens just before Nile comes to see her.

"Why haven't you looked at these before?" Damon asks James.

"I didn't think we needed to." Damon huffs running his fingers through his hair.

"Grace Atkins, goes into the room ten minutes before Nile shows up. That doesn't seem weird to you?"

"No, you said that they're friends."

"I did, but why would Grace go into Channel's office when she isn't there?"

James thinks for a moment shrugging when he doesn't come up with anything. "To take her wallet, and give it to Nile James."

"Oh, that makes sense, they walked out together at the end." He fast-forwards the video showing the brief encounter.

"Go tell them, I'm sure they are dying to know." James nods leaving the room as Damon calls Channel.

"Hello?" She answers on the first ring.

"Hey, you still at work?"

"No, I'm with Grace trying to fix the sink."

"Channel, we just found out that Grace is helping Nile, she's the one that stole your wallet."

"Oh, that fucking sucks." Channel avoids the urge to look at Grace.

"I'm on my way, don't freak out baby."

"Okay, bye." Channel hangs up slipping her phone in her pocket.

"Who was that?"


"Oh, what happened?"

"He wanted to meet for dinner but he has to stay late tonight."

"That does suck." Grace nods.

"Yep, I'll just call someone to fix it later, I need to get back to work." I grab my purse to leave.

"Hey wait for a minute I have something to show you." Grace exclaims running off.

Channel goes into her room to call Damon, as the phone rings she notices the box is open, and her collar is gone.

"I'm almost there, are you okay?"

"Yeah, hold on." She drops the phone on the bed heading into Grace's room.

Channel looks though the closet and every dresser to find it. She tears the room apart in a slight panic.

"What are you looking for?" Channel turns around gasping when she sees it around Grace's neck.

"You bitch."

❦ ❦

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