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"Must you lay so close to me?" I grunt while tossing and turning in hopes to avoid touching Aemond at all costs.

He huffs and turns his head over his shoulder, "I can't help that you booked the smallest bed within the seven realms."

"I didn't take bed size into account as I had imagined I would be sleeping by myself."

The two of us bicker and attempt to get comfortable for what seems like over an hour. With no avail, we both silently lay facing the ceiling with hands clasped over our chests. With a deep breath, I break the silence as boredom has unfortunately overcome me. "How did you find me?"

Aemond lay quiet for a few moments before answering, "It was I who had discovered your disappearance. I arrived at your chamber door early in the morning after the feast to apologize for my toast, to only find that you had left with the poor chambermaid's attire. It didn't take too long of questioning Lord Larys to discover you had ran to this miserable pit in attempt to start a new life."

"Then why would you bother coming? Why do you seek this marriage out?"

He scoffed and shook his head back and forth with a pinch of his brow before sitting up to look upon me. "I do not seek this marriage out, Princess. I just so happen to never run from my duties or promises, unlike others in this room."

I rolled my eyes and turned to my side to face away from him. Yet before I had the chance to fully move over, a leather glove that smelled of dragon stopped my shoulder from going any further. I hesitantly creeped my head back over my shoulder to look upon this odd, needy man who has suddenly replaced my Uncle.

He glared into my eyes for a moment before slightly tilting his head and embarrassingly looking away. "Is it truly that terrible, the thought of being married to me?"

My brows furrowed together at the sight of the true, raw insides of this man. Why is he displaying himself to me belly-up now? What is his game? "That isn't the only reason why I fled, Aemond. You've seen how they look at me over the years. I wanted to go somewhere where no one would flinch at my touch and think I've cursed them, where people wouldn't be afraid to look me in the eyes and see that I am human."

The scarred blonde sighed deeply and stared at my bright lilac eye and then at my deep brown one. Gently and slowly, he pushed the streak of blinding white hair behind my ear and displayed his attempt of a soft smile on his face. I lay there speechless- fearful of how I feel, fearful of what to say, fearful of what I am tempted to do.

He slowly moved his hand back and reached for his leather eye-patch, silently and steadily removing it's straps to reveal a sapphire gemstone placed inside the socket of where his left eye once resided. I gasped at the balance of gore and beauty, beholding the sight before me with curious eyes.

"Does it disgust you?" he inquired, aimlessly tilting his head just a few degrees closer to me.

I pressed my brows and quietly shook my head, "It's remarkable."

With a feeble chuckle he charmingly grinned and instinctively grazed his hand upon my face before flinching back in fear of how I would react. The compelling man that lay across from me widened his eye as I reached back out and placed his hand upon my face again.

His eye was darting back and forth into mine in confusion of what to do, and to be vividly honest I wasn't quite sure of what to do either- at this point, I was just allowing my body to move freely. My face glided slowly across the pillow as I inched in the gap between us. Aemond decided to do the same as well, connecting our lips together in a kiss.

Together, our lips collided in a rhythmic motion as if they were dancing. He was taking the lead, as he is obviously my elder and most likely far more experienced than I, a young woman who has never gone as far as shake a man's hand with flirtatious intent. His grip around my cheek grew tighter and pulled me in deeper, as his other hand slid down my waist then across my spine.

My body nearly imploded at his touch, dwindling in the thought of a man who is known to show no mercy now delicately tracing the seams of my night gown as if he were afraid to rip them. It was unexpected. It was inappropriate. It was thrilling.

Our hearts felt as if they were attempting to touch one another as they both pounded hard in our chests. Our bodies couldn't handle a single inch between us as they impulsively pressed against one another in desire. My hands naturally began to untie the riding gear wrapped tightly around him, sliding it off and revealing a thin black tunic beneath them.

My hands were starving; for they craved for more and more exploring as they glided up under the thin black fabric and traced the lines that carved the tight muscles in his stomach. His breath began to shake at the feel of it, causing him to hungrily pull me in closer. His large hands tugged at my breasts in eagerness before he could barely stop himself from violently ripping every inch of fabric off of my body.

Aemond's body stiffened as he pulled his head and hands back, spurting out a desperate "We mustn't, Laenyra."

I caught my shaky breath and came to reality of what exactly what I was doing. "I- I'm so sorry.."

"'Tis I who should apologize, I overstepped on your maidenhood" he frowned. "Let's... let us just rest now so we can leave early in the morning."

Biting my lip and feeling beyond guilty, I turned back over on my side and prayed for the will to sleep.


The first sunlight crept through the cracks of the window shutters and shined brightly upon my eyes. I winced and rubbed them from the hard sleep from exhaustion I had just had, almost forgetting where I was and who was next to me.

"Good, you've awakened" announced Aemond as he slips on his boots at the edge of the bed, "We must return you to dragon stone to be with your Mother now."

I yawned and stretched as I sat up, "You are coming along as well?"

"Yes, I would like to present you back at your home as a display of good intent. At least, that is what Mother told me to do."

We had gotten dressed back into our riding gear and cloaks prepared to fetch our dragons after a quick breakfast nearby. The walk was silent, as we both didn't know what to say and didn't want to bring any attention towards us to avoid being spotted.

As we reached the grassy hill where I had unloaded off Dōron only yesterday, I placed two fingers upon the edge of my lips and whistled out a high-pitched tune in hopes he would hear me. Aemond did the same for Vhagar, whom he was unsure of which direction she headed after dropping him off close by the inn.

Within a few moments, a distant screech emerged from the clouds as we looked at the sky for our beasts. A small dot of gray grew larger and larger by the second as my faithful companion prepared to land next to us.

"They had told me you claimed a dragon that has never been ridden before. A large and swift gray hammer, they call him. It's a shame he is still a bit smaller than my Vhagar" teased Aemond as we moved out of the way for Dōron.

The dragon landed with a thundering boom, nearly gusting us over from the wind propelling of his wings and the prideful screech that emerged from his mouth as if he had heard Aemond's jesting.

I laughed and walked over the the nuzzle of my dragon, smoothly petting the scales up his neck as I got closer. "Don't let him fool you, Issa raqiros (My friend). He believes that size makes up for skill and speed."

Aemond grunted and laughed as he heard Vhagar approaching nearby. "Feel free to say that to her."

AEMOND TARGARYEN~ FoolproofWhere stories live. Discover now