Freak in the Family

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Laenrya Valyrian is the twin sister of her elder brother by only 2o minutes, Jacearys Valyrian- the heir to Princess Rhaenyra who is soon to rule the seven kingdoms. Upon her and her brothers birth, the room immediately filled with whispers from maesters and servants alike as the male babe was born of black of hair and brown eyes, with the girl containing a bright streak of white within her hair, one brown eye with thick, black lashes and other violet eye, surrounded by lashes of snow. They immediately called her defective behind the Prince and Princesses' back, as the word spread throughout the kingdom of Westeros that the twins were both bastards with one of them a monster.

As Laenyra grew up, she always noted that all of the chambermaids and nannies cared more for Jacearys, whereas they would avoid her at all costs. Rhaenyra has heard of all the hateful slander that has spewed out about her children, the fact that they both resemble Ser Harwin Strong, the fact that their skin was white as ice and shared no features of Laenor, and the tale of how Laenyra is the Princesses' karma for sleeping outside of her marital bed. Rhaenrya ignored these rumors as much as she could, with both her, Laenor, and King Viserys himself denying all claims and questions of their true father.

Once Lucerys and Joffery were born with similar traits that closely resembled the house Strong, Rhaenyra began to get anxious for her claim to the throne and her family's safety.


"Mother!" cried out Laenyra as she burst into the council room during a very important meeting, earning eye rolls and scoffs from members across the table.

"Laenyra, you should not be in here!" scowled Rhaenyra as she closely examined her daughter for any cuts or scrapes. The young striped-haired girl of only 9 puffed as she caught her breath into her mothers arms, checking behind her to see if her evil Uncles were still following behind her.

The one-armed King Viserys was sat at the head of the table, looking into the conversation between his daughter and granddaughter . "Heavens, child!" he spoke as he wobbled over to further investigate, "What has happened to your hair?"

Rhaenyra furrowed her brows and slowly removed her daughter's hand away from the edge of her hairline and noticed there was a few drops of blood at the base of her scalp. The white Targaryen hair that framed the right side of her face was halfway ripped out.

"Who has done this to you, Laenyra?" demanded the King while Rhaenyra attempted to calm her down.

"It was Aegon and Aemond!" shouted Jacearys as he finally arrived at the door, scuffed up from defending his twin.

Alicent slid down a bit in her chair before immediately standing up and leaving the room to find out the full story from her sons.

"Your Grace, may we continue on with our business? This is only a childish play gone too far, but we must go back to more important matters" announces Lord Strong, the hand of the king.

"Very well" groaned Viserys as he stood back up and headed over to his esteemed chair. "Rhaenyra, why don't you attend to this foolish act and have my sons come see me whenever you are done?"

"Yes, Father" assured Rhaenyra with a nod of her head as she grabbed her daughter's hand and walked her out into the hallway to meet up with Jacaerys.

"They hate me, Mother" whimpered Laenyra as her mother wiped the blood on her head off with the sleeve of her gown, "They said that I don't deserve to have white hair, that only Targaryen kids who aren't bastards are allowed to have it."

~A/N~ Hey, guys! Sorry the first chapter is very short, but I felt that this was needed to give y'all some context of how Laenyra fits into the plot of HOD and as well as the family. I am really excited for the time jump that should be coming soon, and I am even more excited for you guys to witness for yourself how much our Laenyra grows and becomes so much stronger. Enjoy the rest!!

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