But Braver

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My Mother had placed me in a separate tent from the family, still guarded of course but far enough to give her the space she needed to process my actions and words. As I lay in the prepared cot covered in various silks and furs, I am reminded of the luxury my life had always been before. Before I slept on dirt and pebbles curled by a fire for warmth, before I slept on a wooden table in a foreign country, before I slept in a dust-covered castle- which felt like everything to me when I could feel Aemond's heart beat against mine. Please be okay.

My thoughts had paraded my mind for hours now, not allowing me to even think of sleeping any time soon. I figured this was a good thing, anyways; the light from the bonfire outside allowing me to see the frame of my obviously slumped over guard. Bloody idiot.

"Glad to see your Mother has placed her most valiant soldier to guard your tent" scoffed an all too familiar voice that had crept up behind me. I froze and held my breath for a moment. "I should kill the bastard for being so careless with you."

My neck snapped over to the source, my Husband now hovering over the cot, dirt on his knees as evidence that he had climbed through the side. "Aemond" I whispered breathlessly, wondering if I had fallen into a slumber that allowed my husband to be reckless enough to sneak behind enemy lines. The corner of his lips surrendered into a softened smile as he effortlessly lifted me into his arms for a proper hug. I squeezed his neck tightly, closing my eyes in fear that he may be gone when I open them again. "Where have you been? Where did you go? You're a fucking idiot for sneaking in here!"

He simply laughed as I cursed into his hair, his large hands holding my head tightly into his embrace. He leaned his head back in order to gently kiss my forehead before slightly putting the smallest distance between us so that I may look him in the eye. "I had to break the news to my family first" he huffed, pushing back my few strands of silver hair away from my face. "I believe I may have my Mother on board, but I made her swear not to speak a word to Otto. I don't even have to speak to him to know that he will do absolutely everything in his power to separate us for good, no matter how cruel the act may be."

I furrowed my brows and gulped a large knot down my throat, fucking Otto. He noticed the worry in my face immediately. "Don't you worry, Issa prūmia. He or his hounds will never lay a single filthy finger on you, on my life." I huffed and poked my bottom lip out at his words, "Don't swear against your own life, husband. I'll simply kill you if you ever get yourself killed." He rolled his eyes and cupped his hands around my face, bringing me in for a slow, longing kiss.

"We have to get out of here" he mumbled lowly as our faces separated, his knuckles caressing my jawline. I knew this was coming soon, as a matter of fact- this was the only thing I could predict coming soon, seeing as our future was completely in the air now. "And go where?" I whispered, leaning my forehead against his with closed eyes.

"I have a plan, Laeny."

Before I knew it, he was pulling me by my hand, sneaking us both out the same exact we we had snuck in. Both of us were silent, ducking in the shadows as we neared various groups of my Mother's men.

The coast was almost clear as we reached the edge of the shrubbery that had concealed us, Aemond telling me that Vhagar was waiting for us behind the hill ahead. We checked both sides of the clearing, making a running start for it, still hand in hand. We froze in our tracks at the calling of my name from a familiar voice.

"Laenyra" my Mother spoke, letting us be aware of her presence. My heart stopped as my body did, Aemond stopping as well but still pulling my hand to urge me to keep moving. I couldn't help but turn around and face her, knowing I'd be a coward if I didn't. My contrasting eyes fell on hers, already apologizing for me before my lips could even move. I couldn't manage to speak a word, what in the seven realms would I be able to say to her right now?

Her chest rose high and sank deeply as she sighed loudly, shaking her head in disapproval while simultaneously wearing an understanding smile upon her lips. "I should have known you'd leave so soon" she nearly laughed, yet her voice still stern. "You're just like me, you know. But braver."

Tears swelled in my eyes as I slowly began to cave into Aemond's silent pleas to keep running away. I quickly blinked away the tears and broke eye contact, "Ziry's issa valzȳrys, muñnykeā. Nyke emagon naejot jikagon" (He's my husband, mother. I have to go).

To that, a tear of its own fell down her pale cheek. She stiffly nodded her head in agreement, though it seemed as if every fiber of her being was against the motion. "Gaomagon daor ivestragī issa ilagon, tala" (Do not let me down, daughter) her breath hitched as she spoke as plainly as she could, just before sullenly turning back around and heading back to camp.

I turned at the same time as she, heart pounding out of my chest as Aemond practically dragged the both of us over the hill. I looked over my shoulder after every few seconds to see if she was following us, to see if she had sent her army after us- or God forbid, Daemon. It surprised me each time when no one was to be seen chasing us down each time I turned. I don't understand how she can just let me go like that, yet her and I both know I don't make a good prisoner.

Aemond and I approached an already sleeping Vhagar, who only stirred a little as we got near her. She growled as she turned, but quickly fell silent as she inhaled both of our familiar scents. My husband hoisted my in his strong arms, lifting me so that I may sit myself at the front of the mount. He quickly joined me, sitting tightly behind me and surrounding both sides of my body with his arms as he grabbed the reigns.

Vhagar grumbled as slowly stood up, despite the urgency in his voice and his call. I held on tightly as she shook he head and neck, beginning to move forward in a slow crawl that eventually turned into flying as her large wingspan formed a dirt cloud that was now below us.

Below us, there was tension, blood, and inevitable war. Yet, above us- wow, there was indescribable peace. The night skies around us were calmly silent, allowing the constellation of bright stars that freckled the black night do all the talking. I leaned my head back into Aemond shoulder admiring it. He slightly smiled as he turned his head to kiss the top of mine. "Where are we going again, my love?"

A/N: heyyy shawtayyss this feels weird to ask but unfortunately im back in my draco phase and im also writing a fanfic for that called FORSAKEN if yall wanna go check it out 🫣 not gonna lie im proud of her so far

here's a preview.. if ur cool enough to watch it :p

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