Ravens and Dragons

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A fortnight passes as I amend relationships with my family and secretly send ravens back and forth with Aemond. He sends me letters full of false lies about his family's well being in which we both find humor in it. Yet, his letters have completely stopped as of two days ago. I rest on my chamber couch by the fire as I reread the last one he sends me.

My Stubborn Laenyra,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am currently resting in my chambers after training in swords with my ever healthy father, who always gives me serious competition in strength. My brother Aegon sends his best with a warm hug and gentle heart. He often spends his days bonding with his wife and children displaying a true example of how the son of a King should really be.

One thing that has never crossed my mind through these sunny and warm days is you. How formidable it is that the most atrocious and vile woman in all of the seven realms is soon to be my wife, I shake at the thought of it. Our marriage will be full of nothing but dull, boring days of despair and hatred of one another.

All jesting aside and in genuine intentions Laenyra, I miss the comfort of your presence here. How odd, that I believed that I only belonged in King's Landing before our hearts connected. Now, this castle feels empty and restless as if you had taken all of it's familiarity with you in that pathetic little sack you toted all the way to Pentos.

I hope you return shortly with it.

Yours, Aemond

My thoughts while gazing upon the fire are interrupted by the abrupt opening of my chamber doors. I hastily tucked the letter between the cushions of the couch and turned to see my visitor. It was Princess Rhaena. The last person I had imagined hurrying into my chambers.

"You must make haste and speak to your lady Mother, Laenyra. I am afraid that it is a matter of the highest urgency." she reports with a concerned look upon her face. I immediately fled my rooms to see her, running faster as I begin to hear her screams emerging from her and Daemon's chamber room.

I ran into Jace and Luke at her door, with the same terrified look on their faces that matched mine. Together, we walked in to see her giving birth at a date that we all knew was way before her term was supposed to end. She gripped the ivory column that led to her balcony with blood-covered hands, screaming "Fuck!" as she bent her knees.

"What has happened Mother?" I beg in agony of hearing her screams.

"King Viserys is dead. The greens crowned Aegon King and held his coronation publicly before thousands this morning" she spoke plainly between whimpers and grunts.

My brothers and I didn't know what to say. What could we even say to news as terrible as this?

"Where's Daemon?" bravely inquired Jace with an obvious plot of war already stirring inside of his mind.

Rhaenyra wobbled to yet another spot and grumbled, "I don't know. Likely planning a war on my behalf."

Both boys immediately went to him in wishes to help after receiving strict instructions from the Princess to not allow any moves to be made without her permission first. As they fled, I remained in my same spot frozen with several thoughts racing and arguing inside my head. Is Aemond in on this? How could he let this happen? Did he use me as a joke?

With sweat rolling off her brow, my Mother motioned for me to come to her as she instructed the maesters and maids to stay back. I knew that with the painful and unlikely birth she is having, she refuses to let them touch her and allow the same thing that happened with her mother happen to her.

With a deep breath, I allowed my body to take over and help her to the best of my ability. I grabbed a cloth and wiped her sweat and blood off of her, supporting her arms as they leaned on to the bench while she squatted. "Ao emagon zaldrīzes ānogar isse ao. Ao kostagon gaomagon bisa. Ao issi se drēje dāria ondoso ānogar se perzys (You have dragon blood in you. You can do this. You are the true queen by blood and fire)" I assure her as tears of agony and despair stream down her face.

She then looks to me with a faint and exhausted smile. "Nyke beri bona ao issi issa tala (I am lucky that you are my daughter)."

A wide smile spreads across my lips before I shake it off and nod my head at her in reassurance. She looks in my eyes and nods in return, pushing harder and clutching the crown of the babe's head in her blood-stained hands. Moments later, she pulls it out with a heart-wrenching wail, only to never hear a cry in return from the child. A stillborn.

We both sat there and stared at the lifeless babe, too heartbroken to even shed a tear.


We held a traditional Targaryen ceremony for the lost child. The fabric wrapped around the corpse engulfed in flames and created a dark smoke that resembled the darkness surrounding our lives. In our grieving silence, the clattering of armor worn by a city watcher's uniform caught our attention as he approached Mother and Daemon.

He came with the crown worn by the late King, Viserys the peaceful they call him, and presented it to Rhaenyra pledging allegiance with a bent knee. Daemon took it from his hands and carefully placed it upon the white hair that laid on Mother's head. She has just been announced as our true queen.

One by one, each of us bent the knee and honored her. She watched us with bravery in courage in her eyes, determined to live out on what she knows as her Father's true wishes.


"Send us" suggests Jacaerys as he and Lucerys stand at the opposing side of Mother at the table. I turn my head from my seat by the fire as I had wished to rest and looked over at my brothers who insisted on sending messages across Westeros. "Dragons are faster than ravens, and more convincing."

Rhaenyra reflected on the idea, before swallowing the knot down her throat and reluctantly agreeing. The boys immediately got prepared to ride out with Mother not far behind them to wish them luck.

"Princess Laenyra" announces my sworn secret servant as he approaches the hall, "If you have a moment, there are some matters in your chambers that need your approval."

It was our secret code. What he means is Aemond has finally sent a raven. I sigh and pretend to be annoyed, "Fine. Make it as quick as possible so that I shall return to my Mother's aid."

With that, he guided me up to my chambers and shut the door behind him, pretending to ask for approvals while I read- one can never be sure of a prying ear these days.


I'm afraid this shall be the last letter I send you. As I'm sure you've heard by now, my brother the King now sits on the Iron Throne. I have pledged to him my full support and loyalty. It grieves me even more to share the news that my family has called off our terms of betrothal, and have now requested that I give my hand to Jocelyn Baratheon. By the time you read this, I will be flying to Storm's End on Vhagar to confirm the terms of our future marriage.

I sincerely wish you happiness and good fortune. I also wish for you to know that to me, you are not a cursed monster as you had claimed to be in Pentos. You never were.


My hand covered my quivering mouth as I fail to scream or sob. Then, I realize I don't have the time to process the news as I remember that Lucerys is currently flying to Storm's End on Arrax for Mother's behalf. I have to warn him immediately.

I sprint out of my chambers with the servants still performing their act for me, grabbing my boots, cape, and riding gear as I head out to find Dōron.

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